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Tagging model


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Is there a tagging model already in place or planned for ISY?

By that I mean the ability to add one or multiple custom/user defined tags to nodes, etc.


For example, let's say I have 50 thermostats or lights or what ever, and I want to run a query program to check the temperature or light level against certain conditions.

If I had the ability to have tags, I would tag all my thermostats with a common tag, let's call it "tstat", and then I could potentially run only one program against the "tstat" tag, instead of having multiple programs for multiple nodes.

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This sounds like you are promoting re-entrable plc code for UDI. That is very advanced for ISY.

Along a similar vein, I was trying to get some low level of array indexing. The HA market is exploding so fast I think UDI is having trouble just keeping up with new devices within their budgets.

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I am probably using the wrong terminology when it relates to insteon or z-wave. tags, query, etc. sorry about that.


Basically the tags that I am talking about are "marker tags", a way for user to easily group similar devices/database entries together without knowing about the database details.


The marker tags can be added or removed at the user's discretion.


This is not the best video and you probably can skip a lot of it, but it shows the basic idea of tagging model and running a program, alarm or summary against the devices/data that have certain marker tags.


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