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Remote Admin Console not showing Program status


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I know the answer is somewhere in the forums, but my internet access is dismal.  Not so dismal that the admin console is working remotely.  


I would like to see the actual program status (red or green), to see the status of my programs.  How do I set this?  I believe when I'm local I was able to set this by right mouse clicking on the program and going to advance, but I cannot do this.  Will this work remotely?




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Thanks for the prompt response.


When I do this, it brings me from "program details" to "program summary".  I can see "activity" which gives me the running status all programs, but I was wanting to see the advanced function of each program icon so I can view it as either solid green/red or partial green/red under the details tab.  I find it easier to view the program as a color to know if it is running then, running else, ran then or ran else.  Hope this makes sense.


Internet is not very reliable, but Admin console seems to be working as it does at home except for the program color status.



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