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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

IP Notification via Portal


IP Address Notifications  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like the ability to be notified of your IP address and/or changes via the ISY or Portal?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't Care, I use another service

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Now that the portal is out and can obtain the IP address of the ISY is it possible to add a feature in the portal to be able to push this data to us via SMS, Email, etc notification? I know many people have asked to have the ISY send then their IP since this info is available but there is no ability to do it. I figure now that the portal is here for the Amazon Echo (and possibly IFTTT) could this be done.


For everyone else who would like to see this feature added I added a poll to see out how much interest is there for this feature.




Now that the portal is out and can obtain the IP address of the ISY is it possible to add a feature in the portal to be able to push this data to us via SMS, Email, etc notification? I know many people have asked to have the ISY send then their IP since this info is available but there is no ability to do it. I figure now that the portal is here for the Amazon Echo (and possibly IFTTT) could this be done.


For everyone else who would like to see this feature added I added a poll to see out how much interest is there for this feature.


You literally stole my idea you!


You literally stole my idea you!

LOL Really not my idea, as its been asked so many times and never been made possible. Now with the portal I can't see why this can be implemented easily, in turn making many people I am sure happy to have. This could help sales for portal subscription for UDI as then you wouldn't need to pay for other services as some do.


LOL Really not my idea, as its been asked so many times and never been made possible. Now with the portal I can't see why this can be implemented easily, in turn making many people I am sure happy to have. This could help sales for portal subscription for UDI as then you wouldn't need to pay for other services as some do.


Just spit balling here so bare with me YOU!


Ha . . .


I envision the system would send the notification of IP change with the customary time stamp of the incident. It would show what the old IP address is and the new one. If one was to ask for the brass ring then the whole lets be able to create different email alias which then a person could assign ring tones to on the smartphone.


This is a divergent from your initial request but it falls in the same realm because others have asked for the ability to create new FROM: Alias's.


So again if we are asking for the brass ring such a feature would continue to add value to portal and drive long term sales.


Clear as mud?


Just spit balling here so bare with me YOU!


Ha . . .


I envision the system would send the notification of IP change with the customary time stamp of the incident. It would show what the old IP address is and the new one. If one was to ask for the brass ring then the whole lets be able to create different email alias which then a person could assign ring tones to on the smartphone.


This is a divergent from your initial request but it falls in the same realm because others have asked for the ability to create new FROM: Alias's.


So again if we are asking for the brass ring such a feature would continue to add value to portal and drive long term sales.


Clear as mud?

If I am right a brass ring is priced low for metals. I want the gold ring, which would allow us to ping our IP address at any given time via a program, along with anytime it changes. Push the IP to the ISY as a variable then anytime that variable changes you are notified. If you want to get the info on demand then you just push the variable info to yourself via a program in the ISY.


How about I do you one better? If it was in ISY as a variable then one could setup a program to use a service like Pushover on their device for notifications. Pushover allows you to create groups with others that have Pushover as well. So a notification could go to whomever you wanted and with the ability to set different notification sounds and priorities within Pushover API. There is also another cool feature within Pushover where you can send it to just specific devices so you can have the Pushover app installed on a tablet and phone but just want the phone to get the notification, no problem all done within Pushover. I use Pushover for multiple things and recently created a plugin for my remote control system specifically for this service. Although the downside is cloud based but open API. This is why I also said you could use email, SMS, etc. All we need is a way to get the IP into the ISY from the portal.


If I am right a brass ring is priced low for metals. I want the gold ring, which would allow us to ping our IP address at any given time via a program, along with anytime it changes. Push the IP to the ISY as a variable then anytime that variable changes you are notified. If you want to get the info on demand then you just push the variable info to yourself via a program in the ISY.


How about I do you one better? If it was in ISY as a variable then one could setup a program to use a service like Pushover on their device for notifications. Pushover allows you to create groups with others that have Pushover as well. So a notification could go to whomever you wanted and with the ability to set different notification sounds and priorities within Pushover API. There is also another cool feature within Pushover where you can send it to just specific devices so you can have the Pushover app installed on a tablet and phone but just want the phone to get the notification, no problem all done within Pushover. I use Pushover for multiple things and recently created a plugin for my remote control system specifically for this service. Although the downside is cloud based but open API. This is why I also said you could use email, SMS, etc. All we need is a way to get the IP into the ISY from the portal.

Well, I am not greedy so the brass stuff is OK. I have no need for non Ferris metals but if you insist upon showing off your grill to me when we meet, OK!


Ha . . .


Back on point: Correct me if I am wrong Push Over is a Android based application correct? Michel has indicated in another related thread Push Over is being supported in the portal. I am unsure what that means to the lay person would that mean the portal would be platform agnostic?


Meaning their portal is acting on behalf of their service so technically it doesn't matter what a person is using for a smartphone OS the UDI portal will simply send the notification to the defined appliance, no?


Well, I am not greedy so the brass stuff is OK. I have no need for non Ferris metals but if you insist upon showing off your grill to me when we meet, OK!


Ha . . .


Back on point: Correct me if I am wrong Push Over is a Android based application correct? Michel has indicated in another related thread Push Over is being supported in the portal. I am unsure what that means to the lay person would that mean the portal would be platform agnostic?


Meaning their portal is acting on behalf of their service so technically it doesn't matter what a person is using for a smartphone OS the UDI portal will simply send the notification to the defined appliance, no?

I missed that post can you link the thread?


Pushover works on Android/iOS/Mac/and Window machines and through the web. Since the API is open you can send from anywhere really. Pushover also gives you a token you can use in an app or a email address you can use too. The email can convert to a pushover notification. There are also other services but PushOver works and seems to be the fastest for me. Its easily integrated.


One day when you in Seattle Ill take you out in the Aston then youll start liking the gold rings. ;)


I missed that post can you link the thread?


Pushover works on Android/iOS/Mac/and Window machines and through the web. Since the API is open you can send from anywhere really. Pushover also gives you a token you can use in an app or a email address you can use too. The email can convert to a pushover notification. There are also other services but PushOver works and seems to be the fastest for me. Its easily integrated.


One day when you in Seattle Ill take you out in the Aston then youll start liking the gold rings. ;)


This is the one: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17902-isyz-wave-compatibility/page-2


LMAO . . .


I think the general theory is since the ISY is so low powered, it doesnt make much sense to have multiple ISY => 'cloud' connections - each with their own set of SSL negotiations.


Better to have one solid, reliable connection (to the portal) - and have the portal be ISYs gateway to the clouds.


The IFTTT support is not oikely to be native (IFTTT have never responded to UDI I believe), but via the Maker channel. Generate your Maker channel key, add it to your portal account then configure away.


I don't know if config will be entirely Portal based - or if after the key is entered on the portal you will see new UI elements in the Admin GUI.


I think the general theory is since the ISY is so low powered, it doesnt make much sense to have multiple ISY => 'cloud' connections - each with their own set of SSL negotiations.


Better to have one solid, reliable connection (to the portal) - and have the portal be ISYs gateway to the clouds.


The IFTTT support is not oikely to be native (IFTTT have never responded to UDI I believe), but via the Maker channel. Generate your Maker channel key, add it to your portal account then configure away.


I don't know if config will be entirely Portal based - or if after the key is entered on the portal you will see new UI elements in the Admin GUI.

Not sure I understand like Jimbo either. The portal already retrieves and can show your external IP address of the ISY. When logged into the portal select "MY ISY INFO" under tools and your external IP shows up. Why would it be hard to be able to send this info to the ISY as a variable? No overhead added IMO but I am not a coder.



I understand why for IFTTT, but not pushover... It seems like it should work just like email notifications?


Sent from my Pixel C using Tapatalk

Exactly, plus lets be clear I am not saying Pushover should be built into the portal. I am saying its an option for people to use like SMS, email etc. since Teken asked more about Pushover.


Hi huddadudda,


Once we start putting logic in the portal, then the portal becomes ISY. Our current goal is to provide a pathway to cloud based things that ISY cannot support without proper certificates, DNS, oAuth, etc. Once this framework is rock solid, the next step is to make the portal a node server for ISY. Now, the question is: what would those nodes be? Well, one of them is definitely Honeywell WiFi thermostats. Perhaps you can have a node that simply supplies the external IP address of ISY back to itself. Then, the question becomes: who's going to develop these node servers? And, this is where we are going to get into a loop since we do not have resources to manage/vet third party node servers.


So, the short answer to your question is, yes, perhaps. The long answer is above.


With kind regards,



Hi huddadudda,


Once we start putting logic in the portal, then the portal becomes ISY. Our current goal is to provide a pathway to cloud based things that ISY cannot support without proper certificates, DNS, oAuth, etc. Once this framework is rock solid, the next step is to make the portal a node server for ISY. Now, the question is: what would those nodes be? Well, one of them is definitely Honeywell WiFi thermostats. Perhaps you can have a node that simply supplies the external IP address of ISY back to itself. Then, the question becomes: who's going to develop these node servers? And, this is where we are going to get into a loop since we do not have resources to manage/vet third party node servers.


So, the short answer to your question is, yes, perhaps. The long answer is above.


With kind regards,


Sorry if I am being dense but are you saying this is difficult to do and has to be done as a node to send the IP as a variable to the ISY even though the info is already in the portal? It seems that adding this as a node this overcomplicating things. I thought there was some type of encryption being done for the portal to communicate with the ISY as it stands now, is there not?




Now that the portal is out and can obtain the IP address of the ISY is it possible to add a feature in the portal to be able to push this data to us via SMS, Email, etc notification? I know many people have asked to have the ISY send then their IP since this info is available but there is no ability to do it. I figure now that the portal is here for the Amazon Echo (and possibly IFTTT) could this be done.


For everyone else who would like to see this feature added I added a poll to see out how much interest is there for this feature.


I don't see this as practical.


The ISY has an IP address that is assigned by your home's router (or your static IP you set in the ISY).  You already know this one, so I can't see the value of exposing this via the portal -- in fact, on the contrary, there's no reason to use an expensive external service at all when you can simply query your router for this.   And in the case where your router doesn't support this, well get a proper router (you spent a small fortune on the ISY, surely you should be willing to replace that $14.44 Walmart special router with a real one, no!).  Or if that isn't going to work for you, then use an external device like a Raspberry Pi to detect the ISY IP and send emails... but that seems just so wrong to me!


The Portal has an IP address - but you don't need to know it; you reference that via the DNS name "my.isy.io" -- so again, no value at all to expose this in the portal.


I guess it's also possible that you want one of the IP addresses in the chain between your home router and the ISY -- most probably the one your ISP or corporate IT department assigned to your router.  Regrettably, the portal cannot reliably get that information for you - the only IP it knows about is the NAT'ing or MASQ'ing or proxying device that is closest in the chain to the portal.  That might be a machine operated by your ISP, or it might even be the cloud provider that hosts the actual portal itself.  The best solution to finding your router's IP address is one that already exists - sign up for one of the many DDNS services instead.


Perhaps I'm missing the problem to be solved here.


I don't see this as practical.


The ISY has an IP address that is assigned by your home's router (or your static IP you set in the ISY). You already know this one, so I can't see the value of exposing this via the portal -- in fact, on the contrary, there's no reason to use an expensive external service at all when you can simply query your router for this. And in the case where your router doesn't support this, well get a proper router (you spent a small fortune on the ISY, surely you should be willing to replace that $14.44 Walmart special router with a real one, no!). Or if that isn't going to work for you, then use an external device like a Raspberry Pi to detect the ISY IP and send emails... but that seems just so wrong to me!


The Portal has an IP address - but you don't need to know it; you reference that via the DNS name "my.isy.io" -- so again, no value at all to expose this in the portal.


I guess it's also possible that you want one of the IP addresses in the chain between your home router and the ISY -- most probably the one your ISP or corporate IT department assigned to your router. Regrettably, the portal cannot reliably get that information for you - the only IP it knows about is the NAT'ing or MASQ'ing or proxying device that is closest in the chain to the portal. That might be a machine operated by your ISP, or it might even be the cloud provider that hosts the actual portal itself. The best solution to finding your router's IP address is one that already exists - sign up for one of the many DDNS services instead.


Perhaps I'm missing the problem to be solved here.

There have been MANY people who have asked for this feature. If you do a search you will see a range of uses why people want this.


The fact is maybe or maybe not you seem to miss is this is info already in the portal. So why not send it to the ISY as a variable to let people use it as they want. I dont think anyone should judge what and if someone needs/wants something. As a company its either you to decide to provide the feature of not. If your going to say this is a security thing then you should already be concerned since its already in the portal unmasked. I dont understand your comments about the DDNS services. By moving this to the portal it drives sales for UDI as you dont need to pay someone else for DDNS service now. As for your IT and corporate comments, no disrespect but I see this as a non factor since the ISY is mostly residential installs.


*To anyone else that is reading this thread and havent voted please do.


Let me also state this since maybe I an not clear. Its the external IP that people are after, not the internal IP of the ISY. Not everyone is tech savvy and has another router besides the one that was supplied by their ISP. Why I do agree these routers are missing a lot of features it doesnt change the fact people have them and dont want to swap them out and pay another $100.


So why have a node run 24/7/365 when the portal has this information and should be easily to setup to push the external IP to the ISY as a variable.


I have a ASUS router that provides DDNS so I personally don't need this for myself. The reason I brought this up is because many others have asked for this in the past and now that this info is avail I cant see that this would be hard to implement now with the portal.


Maybe this weekend I will do a quick search of the forum and post the thread urls were people asked for this so you can see why specifically. Like these,


My IP Address http://forum.universal-devices.com/index.php?/topic/17141-My-IP-Address


Use of ${sys.extIP} variable in notifications http://forum.universal-devices.com/index.php?/topic/13900-Use-of-%24%7Bsys%2EextIP%7D-variable-in-notifications


Identify External IP Address Yet Not Local To ISY99i/ISY994i http://forum.universal-devices.com/index.php?/topic/13090-Identify-External-IP-Address-Yet-Not-Local-To-ISY99i-ISY994i


My idea was to just allow the external IP address of the router as a system variable that could be included in any notification.


Upon a power failure or other trigger I could reconfigure my MobiLinc or other remote app. I could trust this method much more than DDNS services that have already proven untrustworthy when I needed it. most.


Hi huddadudda,


I didn't say it was difficult. I simply said that we have to put "logic" in the portal to do what you are suggesting. Since we really do NOT want to put logic in the portal (except for things that are pass through), our goal is to make the portal support node servers (which are pretty much pass through). Once we have that framework going, then you can have a node server that all it does is to send ISY the external IP address (if necessary).


Please note that we move very slow!


With kind regards,



Hi huddadudda,


I didn't say it was difficult. I simply said that we have to put "logic" in the portal to do what you are suggesting. Since we really do NOT want to put logic in the portal (except for things that are pass through), our goal is to make the portal support node servers (which are pretty much pass through). Once we have that framework going, then you can have a node server that all it does is to send ISY the external IP address (if necessary).


Please note that we move very slow!


With kind regards,


I have been watching you for a few years and your posts always line up with the same indent on MY screen. You never move. :)


I have been watching you for a few years and your posts always line up with the same indent on MY screen. You never move.  :)


Are you attempting to start a movement?


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