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Links Table Record mismatches keep reappearing

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Suppose I pick any device and "show device links table". Then I click on Compare. A lot of records are marked "Record Mismatch". Then I click on "Restore Device. After the device has been restored, I repeat the above and all the links table entries are marked "Identical".


The problem is that if I look at the device links table a little while later, there are a bunch of new Record Mismatches.


What would cause record mismatches to appear out of nowhere?


Some devices get mismatches faster than other. My Insteon Thermostat seems to get new mismatches in about 10 minutes. Do I get mismatches if the temperature changes, or the furnace comes on?


Another device that gets mismatches frequently is a Dual band Switchlinc dimmer. 


A couple months ago I replaced my PLM because I was getting a lot of AllOn events. When I installed the new PLM, I used the Restore Modem (PLM) command. That seemed to go through all of my 70 devices and restore them. At that point there shouldn't have been any record mismatches.


After about 6 weeks I noticed that I had record mismatches. So I started fixing them. I went through all 70 of my devices, and almost all had record mismatches. I fixed them all. But they keep reappearing.


The next thing I want to do is write down all the links in a table that frequently gets mismatches. I want to find out if the links in the memory of my ISY have changed, or if the links table in the device has changed. 


Do I have a lot of defective hardware? Or is the memory of my ISY corrupt?


Can you provide an example of the expected and actual link databases, as displayed by the ISY?


Mine do this, but the only parts that differ are, as I understand, bits in the first byte of each entry that are used to store some sort of state information in the newer Insteon devices.  I've never worried about differences in those few bits, and never had a problem because they were different -- but I sure do agree that it's a real pain that the ISY doesn't know that those bits don't matter in the comparison!


Perhaps those more familiar with the details can offer some insight into what those bits are for.


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