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Suggestion: Code formatting

Mark Sanctuary

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I have noticed in the Admin Console that the code is not evenly indented it is also noticeable in the code pasted in other posts. Also the more than one spaces in code is sometimes a bit wierd too. Could it be tweaked to use 4 or 5 spaces per nesting and nix the extra spaces?


First example:


   Status AC is Off 
   And ( 
       Time is 5:00PM 
       Or Time is 4:00PM 
       And Temp > 90 

   Set AC on 

Another example:


   On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 
   From 9:00:00AM 
   To 5:30:00PM (same day) 

   Or On Sat 
   From 10:00:00AM 
   To 2:00:00PM (same day) 

   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 

   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 

One more example:


 | Receive X10 House Code 'A' Unit Code '2' Command '3 - on'
 | Or-(
 |   | Status '04.BF.8D.1' is On
 |   | And From Sunset
 |   |     For 3 hours
 |   | And(
 |   |   |   -(
 |   |   |   | Program 'Office Hours' is True
 |   |   |   | And Program 'Office Hours' is False
 |   |   |   -)
 |   |   | Or Control '07.EB.6D.1' is Fast On
 |   |   | Or From Sunset
 |   |   |     For 4 hours
 |   |   -)
 |   -)

If (
   Receive X10 House Code 'A' Unit Code '2' Command '3 - on'
   Or (
       Status '04.BF.8D.1' is On
       And From Sunset
           For 3 hours
               Program 'Office Hours' is True
               And Program 'Office Hours' is False
           Or Control '07.EB.6D.1' is Fast On
           Or From Sunset
               For 4 hours


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Thank you. We'll revisit for the next release.




I have noticed in the Admin Console that the code is not evenly indented it is also noticeable in the code pasted in other posts. Also the more than one spaces in code is sometimes a bit wierd too. Could it be tweaked to use 4 or 5 spaces per nesting and nix the extra spaces?


First example:


   Status AC is Off 
   And ( 
       Time is 5:00PM 
       Or Time is 4:00PM 
       And Temp > 90 

   Set AC on 

Another example:


   On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 
   From 9:00:00AM 
   To 5:30:00PM (same day) 

   Or On Sat 
   From 10:00:00AM 
   To 2:00:00PM (same day) 

   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 

   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 

One more example:


 | Receive X10 House Code 'A' Unit Code '2' Command '3 - on'
 | Or-(
 |   | Status '04.BF.8D.1' is On
 |   | And From Sunset
 |   |     For 3 hours
 |   | And(
 |   |   |   -(
 |   |   |   | Program 'Office Hours' is True
 |   |   |   | And Program 'Office Hours' is False
 |   |   |   -)
 |   |   | Or Control '07.EB.6D.1' is Fast On
 |   |   | Or From Sunset
 |   |   |     For 4 hours
 |   |   -)
 |   -)

If (
   Receive X10 House Code 'A' Unit Code '2' Command '3 - on'
   Or (
       Status '04.BF.8D.1' is On
       And From Sunset
           For 3 hours
               Program 'Office Hours' is True
               And Program 'Office Hours' is False
           Or Control '07.EB.6D.1' is Fast On
           Or From Sunset
               For 4 hours


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