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ISY Portal: Pending request - ISY not online


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I've followed the instructions for setting up the portal and i can't get it approved.


What I've done so far:


I upgraded my ISY to 4.4.3 and UI (Verified by going to Help > About) Also cleared my Java Cache

I created a portal account and added my UUID to it (Verified that it's correct as well)

I purchased the portal and added it to the ISY


In UI under Portal Status/Configuration I have:

Portal Integration - UDI: Offline and Not Registered

Requested Services: Pending with the +Approve button. I click on that and then refresh. 


The pending request never goes away AND in the portal, the ISY says it's not online


I've read that I DO NOT need to do any port forwarding which is preferred :)


I've rebooted the ISY and logged out/in on the portal


What am I missing here?


My ISY is using port 8443 for HTTPS and the HTTPS says it's TLS 1.2 and I'm using HIGH strength





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Michael, I was just replying that I figured it out. I have egress filtering enabled on my router for security purposes. For testing, I enabled my ISY to talk to the internet on all ports to all IP's. This is OUTBOUND only and has nothing to do with port forwarding :)


So, for the ISY to talk out to the portal, does it only need 443 and 8001? If so, I can just enable those ports but would like to ensure I have the necessary info before I restrict via port.


thanks for the quick reply :)


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