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How to configure more than 2 Access Points


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Hi everyone,


Probably a simple question.


I'm pretty sure I need more than 2 access points to get reliable comms to all of my house - after spending a few hours today moving the 2 access points around and testing it looks like with only 2 I still have dead spots (i.e. a couple of SwitchLincs responding intermittently until I move an AP nearer to them, and after the move other SwitchLincs that were fine then start responding intermittently...)


So - my question is if I buy 1 more AP do i just plug it in an leave it, or do i need to "link" it to the existing one on the one same phase or the existing one other phase or to both of them? By linking I mean the four taps of the set button so the light flashes.


All the info I can find just says you can use 2 or more AP but doesn't give an example of how to set it up :-)


Thanks and happy holidays!

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You link the third one in virtually the same way you did the first two. However, I am not sure your problem is related to the position of the Access point. Your switchlincs are not RF...they are powerline only devices, so relative position of the AP to those switches should not have much effect (unless repeating on the powerline is helping you...which it may be).


Adding additional devices themselves will give you the same effect. Each device will repeat the signals on the powerline as needed. By adding more Insteon devices, you strengthen your overall network.


You can surely buy another AP, but I would rather spend that money on another device...unless you need additional RF coverage for remotelincs, motion sensors, etc.




Hi everyone,


Probably a simple question.


I'm pretty sure I need more than 2 access points to get reliable comms to all of my house - after spending a few hours today moving the 2 access points around and testing it looks like with only 2 I still have dead spots (i.e. a couple of SwitchLincs responding intermittently until I move an AP nearer to them, and after the move other SwitchLincs that were fine then start responding intermittently...)


So - my question is if I buy 1 more AP do i just plug it in an leave it, or do i need to "link" it to the existing one on the one same phase or the existing one other phase or to both of them? By linking I mean the four taps of the set button so the light flashes.


All the info I can find just says you can use 2 or more AP but doesn't give an example of how to set it up :-)


Thanks and happy holidays!

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