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Keypad link shut off using programs or scenes?


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I have 2 keypad links installed right now. I use keypad link button A on one to perform the scene Bedtime. This shuts off all lights in the house.

however My second keypad link is using button B as a controller for one set of lights in my kitchen via a scene. 


when I press the bedtime command the lights do turn off as intended, however if the kitchen dimmer that is linked to 2nd keypad B was turned on using the keypad B then that light still stays on.


do I need to create a second scene to link my bedtime all off setup to also go through and turn off any linked keypads? or are programs the best practice for this?

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Ok thanks. My other question/issue. 

I have 1 kpl button using like a 3way switch for kitchen dimmer switch.

I set scene for kplA as controller and Kitchen dimmer as responder

now when i want kitchen dimmer as controller back to kpla as responder do I have write 2 scenes to accomplish this? Does not look like i can have the kpl-a as both controller and responder in same scene.

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Ok thanks. My other question/issue. 

I have 1 kpl button using like a 3way switch for kitchen dimmer switch.

I set scene for kplA as controller and Kitchen dimmer as responder

now when i want kitchen dimmer as controller back to kpla as responder do I have write 2 scenes to accomplish this? Does not look like i can have the dimmer as both controller and responder in same scene.


When you set a device as a controller for a scene, its also a responder. However an device can only be a controller for one and only one scene.


You you should be able to add the keypad keys and lights as responders to the all off/ good night switch. I do that for my kitchen lights.

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ok for the 3 way issue. I set kpla as controller for dimmer kitchen. I press kpla and kitchen dimmer is activated, led for kpl-a is lit.

when I goto the Kitchen dimmer and turn off the dimmer turns off but command back to Kpl-a does not shut off the LED its still in an on state.

I have set another scene that makes the dimmer as controller and kpl-a as responder to shut the led back off but wasnt sure if this was the way it has to be done.

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To confirm, both the kpl key and the dimmer are both in the scene as controllers (the text for both is red)? If not, remove the one that is not a controller, add it back as a controller and try again.


If they are already both controllers and its not working, right click on each of the 2 devices, 1 at a time, restore device and try it again.



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To confirm, both the kpl key and the dimmer are both in the scene as controllers (the text for both is red)? If not, remove the one that is not a controller, add it back as a controller and try again.


If they are already both controllers and its not working, right click on each of the 2 devices, 1 at a time, restore device and try it again.



Thank you! I was confused into thinking one has to be a responder. Made both controllers and works as intended.


I guess while im on a roll. I have 1 kpl button that controls scene for all basement lights off. I would like the button to light up if any or all of the lights in the scene are in the On state. That way i know from a glance if any of the basement lights are on. Is this possible?

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You can have a program that looks like this (I haven't tested this but it should work)

       status 'light a' is on
   or status 'light b' is on
   or status 'light c' is on
   or status 'light d' is on
   ... etc...
       set scene 'downstairs light key' on
       set scene 'downstairs light key' off

You've probably run into needing to create a scene for a keypad key to turn it on or off versus directly controlling the key, so create a one device scene with the key in it just for this purpose.


For turning all the lights off, I use a program that looks for that keypad key to turn off, and control a scene with all of the lights in it as responders,. You could put them all in a scene controlled by the key, but keep in mind that if anyone turns that key on, all of the lights go on. I personally have more problems with that and use a program in this kind of case



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One more question on my 3 way light using the keypad button. I have a timer program for morning time. I tried setting to bring on dimmer and also adjust the scene and bring on dimmer. Neither approach will bring the keypad light on when the dimmer is activated using a program. Only when I actually press the switches do they act linked in the scene. Is there any way to achieve?



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One more question on my 3 way light using the keypad button. I have a timer program for morning time. I tried setting to bring on dimmer and also adjust the scene and bring on dimmer. Neither approach will bring the keypad light on when the dimmer is activated using a program. Only when I actually press the switches do they act linked in the scene. Is there any way to achieve?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

When using programs to initiates a scene, turning on a scene controller will not work. Devices act as scene controllers only when when activated directly (manually). The program should activate the scene. I forget the exact syntax of the program statement, but dont believe it includes "adjust". It looks more like:


Set scene 'morning time' to ON.

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Kitchen cabinet lights weekdays - [ID 0023][Parent 0022]

        On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
        Time is  6:10:00AM
        Set Scene 'Indoor Lighting / Cabinet lights on kplgA 3way' On
        Set 'Indoor Lighting / kitchen cabinets' On
        Wait  1 hour and 20 minutes 
        Set Scene 'Indoor Lighting / Cabinet lights on kplgA 3way' Off
        Set 'Indoor Lighting / kitchen cabinets' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

The scene has 2 kpl buttons and one dimmer all as controllers in that scene.

I tried to insert the program to only set scene on and off. It would light up the keypad link buttons but didnt turn on the load at dimmer.

I had to add the second line to turn on the dimmer as well. Is that normal?

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I would say that is not normal. No.


Is kitchen cabinets device part of kplga scene? If so (assumed), what is the ON level defined for this device when the scene is selected at the admin panel device listing. Is it set to zero?

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I would say that is not normal. No.


Is kitchen cabinets device part of kplga scene? If so (assumed), what is the ON level defined for this device when the scene is selected at the admin panel device listing. Is it set to zero?

Yes! Not sure if it default set that way or what. I put to 100 and that fixed it. thanks for the eye opener.

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You can have a program that looks like this (I haven't tested this but it should work)

       status 'light a' is on
   or status 'light b' is on
   or status 'light c' is on
   or status 'light d' is on
   ... etc...
       set scene 'downstairs light key' on
       set scene 'downstairs light key' off

You've probably run into needing to create a scene for a keypad key to turn it on or off versus directly controlling the key, so create a one device scene with the key in it just for this purpose.


For turning all the lights off, I use a program that looks for that keypad key to turn off, and control a scene with all of the lights in it as responders,. You could put them all in a scene controlled by the key, but keep in mind that if anyone turns that key on, all of the lights go on. I personally have more problems with that and use a program in this kind of case



This worked for me Thanks. 

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Yes! Not sure if it default set that way or what. I put to 100 and that fixed it. thanks for the eye opener.

This is a powerful feature of insteon, where one can set dimmed (or off) ON levels that are unique to each controller device.

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When using the status of a light to turn on a key, it's best to get in the habit of making the program dimmer-compatible. 



So instead of doing this:

IF status 'light a' is on
   or status 'light b' is on
   or status 'light c' is on
   or status 'light d' is on

use 'not off':

 IF status 'light a' is not Off
   or status 'light b' is not Off
   or status 'light c' is not Off
   or status 'light d' is not Off

Also, it is best not to make excessive use of "adjust scene" where it can be avoided.

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