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use a non-elk alarm motion sensor in the ISY?


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I have a garden-variety alarm system in my house and there are a couple of motion sensors that MIGHT be useable for my insteon system.


How hard would it be to figure out how to make one of these motion sensors turn on an insteon light? I do have an EZio2x4 that I could use, but not sure how. For clarification, my alarm is not an Elk alarm system. As a matter of fact, for perspective, I'm not even sure what an Elk alarm system is.

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Hi someguy,


You could use any input/output controllers with the dry contacts on any alarm system. What ELK provides is additional functionality such as being able to turn on/off your lights from the security keypad.


EZIO2x4 - depending on the model (the older ones) - may also work fine.


With kind regards,



I have a garden-variety alarm system in my house and there are a couple of motion sensors that MIGHT be useable for my insteon system.


How hard would it be to figure out how to make one of these motion sensors turn on an insteon light? I do have an EZio2x4 that I could use, but not sure how. For clarification, my alarm is not an Elk alarm system. As a matter of fact, for perspective, I'm not even sure what an Elk alarm system is.

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