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3-25-16 - Portal down?

Go to solution Solved by Xathros,

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Posted (edited)

This evening neither of my ISYs are showing online in the portal.  On the one ISY that I can reach from here, the portal tab shows Offline, Registered.  I have rebooted the ISY with no change.  The portal shows both ISY's offline, last seen at 175:51:59  EST.


Is anybody else seeing the same?


I have PM'd Michel and will update this thread as I learn anything.




This has to be because of my "Cloud" comment earlier today...

Edited by Xathros

All my Echo's including sub-accounts are functioning. When I've gotten an offline message, it usually corrected after a short time, less than 30 minutes. Have you tried update WiFi from the Alexa app?

  • Solution
Posted (edited)

Problem solved.  Turns out that both of my ISYs were using a dispatcher URL from back in the alpha days.  Michel had me set the default dispatcher URL and my ISY came right back online.


Just in case you find yourself in this position, telnet into your ISY and issue DPU <enter> to set the default url then XS <enter> to exit the shell.


Thanks all for chiming in!  And thank you to Michel for the speedy resolution.



Edited by Xathros

I'm still offline.  Reboots have not helped. I just purchased my portal this weekend.  Says it's been offline since 4:01am.  Any ideas???


That's odd because my ISY was offline this morning at 0301am (CT and time run for query all.)  It showed connected in admin console and after hard reboot (removed power for 10 seconds) it came back online.





I have rebooted the world and nothing works.  What I just noticed is that the ISY Portal is not listed on the Help/About Product list.  It is also not shown in the Configuration/Portals tab.  Is that normal?  I could swear I saw it listed there before.  Yet it shows as Active under my purchased modules and I certainly can log into it.  Just keeps saying ISY is not online and hasn't been since 4:01 Saturday morning.   This was supposed to be my day setting things up w Alexa...lol

Posted (edited)

I have rebooted the world and nothing works.  What I just noticed is that the ISY Portal is not listed on the Help/About Product list.  It is also not shown in the Configuration/Portals tab.  Is that normal?  I could swear I saw it listed there before.  Yet it shows as Active under my purchased modules and I certainly can log into it.  Just keeps saying ISY is not online and hasn't been since 4:01 Saturday morning.   This was supposed to be my day setting things up w Alexa...lol


Is the 994 Series Controller using DHCP or a Static IP address? If using a static IP address change it to DHCP for now and reboot the system.


When I say reboot I mean remove power from the controller and not via soft boot via the Admin Console. It has proven to me and many others the soft reboot doesn't always clear the system and start fresh.

Edited by Teken

I have rebooted the world and nothing works.  What I just noticed is that the ISY Portal is not listed on the Help/About Product list.  It is also not shown in the Configuration/Portals tab.  Is that normal?  I could swear I saw it listed there before.  Yet it shows as Active under my purchased modules and I certainly can log into it.  Just keeps saying ISY is not online and hasn't been since 4:01 Saturday morning.   This was supposed to be my day setting things up w Alexa...lol


In Help > About is your Firmware version the same as your UI version?  If not they should be the same.  Go to release thread for Firmware and download the java application file (.jnlp) rather than using the java applet (need to clear Java Cache first.)





Is the 994 Series Controller using DHCP or a Static IP address? If using a static IP address change it to DHCP for now and reboot the system.


When I say reboot I mean remove power from the controller and not via soft boot via the Admin Console. It has proven to me and many others the soft reboot doesn't always clear the system and start fresh.


It uses DHCP and I have unplugged the power to it, my cable modem and my router as some others have suggested.


It uses DHCP and I have unplugged the power to it, my cable modem and my router as some others have suggested.


Try with a Static IP address or reserve the MAC address in the router and try again.


In Help > About is your Firmware version the same as your UI version?  If not they should be the same.  Go to release thread for Firmware and download the java application file (.jnlp) rather than using the java applet (need to clear Java Cache first.)





Yes, the Firmware version is the same as my UI version.   Not sure what I'm looking for concerning .jnlp but didn't find anything to download.


Yes, the Firmware version is the same as my UI version.   Not sure what I'm looking for concerning .jnlp but didn't find anything to download.


The java application (.jnlp file) is the UI (admin console) and is listed in the release thread for download (scroll post.)

The java application runs independent and leaves desktop icon whereas the java applet is tied into browser resources.






Review the Wiki instructions for Portal Installation.  Apparently something's not configured correctly.  You might review your Network Security settings (requires Dashboard also downloaded from release thread bottom of post.)





Review the Wiki instructions for Portal Installation.  Apparently something's not configured correctly.  You might review your Network Security settings (requires Dashboard also downloaded from release thread bottom of post.)





I was reading some of your posts in a different thread.  I have MobiLinc  and have the Portal Integration - Mobilinc.   It sounds like this may be an issue?  I wasn't aware there isn't a phone app for ISY so I went with Mobilinc.  However, I don't want to have it at the expense of not using the ISY Portal for Echo integration.  Does it have to be one or the other?  The whole portal thing is confusing to me...


I was reading some of your posts in a different thread.  I have MobiLinc  and have the Portal Integration - Mobilinc.   It sounds like this may be an issue?  I wasn't aware there isn't a phone app for ISY so I went with Mobilinc.  However, I don't want to have it at the expense of not using the ISY Portal for Echo integration.  Does it have to be one or the other?  The whole portal thing is confusing to me...


The one or the other has to do with the Mobilinc Connect service and not the smartphone application. Meaning you can't have more than one cloud based service operating.


If you have the Mobilinc Connect Portal Service you will need to submit a service request to UDI to disable the service.


I was reading some of your posts in a different thread.  I have MobiLinc  and have the Portal Integration - Mobilinc.   It sounds like this may be an issue?  I wasn't aware there isn't a phone app for ISY so I went with Mobilinc.  However, I don't want to have it at the expense of not using the ISY Portal for Echo integration.  Does it have to be one or the other?  The whole portal thing is confusing to me...


Mobilinc is a popular and useful phone app but also available is Mobilinc Connect which is a proxy/portal server hosted by the developers of Mobilinc (Mobile Integrated Solutions, LLC.)


As Teken points out ISY supports only one of the two portals at a time, ISY Portal or Mobilinc Connect.  Include the ISY UUID in your support request to remove MobiLinc Connect module





All is well now, as you mentioned it was an issue with installing MobiLinc Connect.  Michael got me squared away this weekend and now I have most of my devices on ISY, Echo funtionality and MobiLinc access.  Life is good. :)   Thanks all for the help.

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