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Prince - Dead at 57 years old


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As some of you may know and those who don't Prince was found dead at his home in Minneapolis. Its assumed he died from a severe complication of the flu. His private plane requested an emergency landing a few weeks ago when the singer complained of health issues while in the air.


I pretty much grew up with all of the music he ever wrote and sung.


Even during his off years he continued to help produce and write epic songs for some of the biggest music stars in the industry.


At the tender age of 57 given the massive technology and advancement in health care and medicine its incredible that a person can still succumb to the common flu.


Even though we all know many people die from the flu per year its still very sad to know it wasn't like he had cancer.


Prince - may you rest in peace and keep rockin the universe where ever you may be.


RIP . . .

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  • 3 months later...

As some of you may know and those who don't Prince was found dead at his home in Minneapolis. Its assumed he died from a severe complication of the flu. His private plane requested an emergency landing a few weeks ago when the singer complained of health issues while in the air.


I pretty much grew up with all of the music he ever wrote and sung.


Even during his off years he continued to help produce and write epic songs for some of the biggest music stars in the industry.


At the tender age of 57 given the massive technology and advancement in health care and medicine its incredible that a person can still succumb to the common flu.


Even though we all know many people die from the flu per year its still very sad to know it wasn't like he had cancer.


Prince - may you rest in peace and keep rockin the universe where ever you may be.


RIP . . .

he died of overdose.


Please educate yourself and get your fact straights before posting uneducated remarks.

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he died of overdose.


Please educate yourself and get your fact straights before posting uneducated remarks.

Please confine  remarks to the information and not make insulting remarks (ad hominem) towards people (posters). 

This is a very polite and moderated group. Too much of a nasty tone could result in loss of posting privileges.


If you have contrary information, post it with references to your source(s), not attack the poster.


Thank you.

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he died of overdose.


Please educate yourself and get your fact straights before posting uneducated remarks.


If you look at the date and time of this posting you will have noticed this was well before the autopsy was completed. The information provided in this forum thread was the *Exact Same* information shared by hundreds of news outlets!


You comment like you had a crystal ball and knew Prince died from a overdose?!?!


You didn't . . .


Nor did any of the dozens of on line news casts, blogs, and actual corporate news outlets. When I looked at the time line of the 3-4 posts you decided to find of mine its quite apparent you decided to go on a childish rant.


Feel free to counter the facts listed above - As they are the facts at the time of the posting which happen on April 21, 2016 @ 2:11 PM CST.


I can assure you (IF) you scan the Interwebs during that two week period the very same information will have been discussed, published, and offered.


I'm sorry someone took your ball - unfortunately I don't have it.

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If you look at the date and time of this posting you will have noticed this was well before the autopsy was completed. The information provided in this forum thread was the *Exact Same* information shared by hundreds of news outlets!


You comment like you had a crystal ball and knew Prince died from a overdose?!?!


You didn't . . .


Nor did any of the dozens of on line news casts, blogs, and actual corporate news outlets. When I looked at the time line of the 3-4 posts you decided to find of mine its quite apparent you decided to go on a childish rant.


Feel free to counter the facts listed above - As they are the facts at the time of the posting which happen on April 21, 2016 @ 2:11 PM CST.


I can assure you (IF) you scan the Interwebs during that two week period the very same information will have been discussed, published, and offered.


I'm sorry someone took your ball - unfortunately I don't have it.


Teken is the one that started insulting me saying I was bitching and complaining so he is the one that is now trying to turn this around me.


I reacted to your insults Teken.


Had you not insulted me I would have been in peace.

I love UDI and I will not allow you to pretend I started this when you were the person that insulted me after I had valid technical concerns.


It was a valid question but you chose to make it an insult thread.


You started this.

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Teken is the one that started insulting me saying I was bitching and complaining so he is the one that is now trying to turn this around me.


I reacted to your insults Teken.


Had you not insulted me I would have been in peace.

I love UDI and I will not allow you to pretend I started this when you were the person that insulted me after I had valid technical concerns.


It was a valid question but you chose to make it an insult thread.


You started this.


Unfortunately, no . . .


Perhaps I should quote your very own written text to illustrate the facts. Bolded in red is not only a direct insult to a long time member but a solid software vendor of this community and others. In the same breath you have slandered the company by stating you were scammed!


To be crystal clear you wrote this on your own accord . . .








I think UDI was 100% honest and transparent 


MobiLinc however charged me for 1 year of MobiLinc connect


and then I asked for a refund

heck partial refund was acceptable



All he said is stop using UDI and start using MobiLinc

WILL BUY from UDI again

will NOT buy from MobiLinc again 



Next, after I tried to help you in this thread with recommendations you decided to lash out again as seen here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19542-why-my-isy-portal-disables-mobilinc/page-2


You then blew a stack and lashed out to all the members who offered feed back to help you. To be fair some of the members after reading your tirade simply stated the facts that you made a poor decision.




I asked why it doesn't work and Michael responded why it doesn't work


and then I got 100 other people just trying to bully me implying I am stupid for buying in the first place


I like Michael and props to him I admire him and the great product he has done


but apparently if I start a thread then people want to blast me and blast me and just annoy me for 7 days after I already got an answer.


You guys should be more calmed down.


If Michael answers the question then there is ***NOTHING*** anybody should say after that unless it's constructive and based on your posts it's just people blasting trying to get the last word


I am 100% sure some idi.ot is going to answer my post after I already got an answer from Michael days ago


The reality is you asked a question and solid answers were given. You didn't like the answers so you decided to lash out.


I believe you need to consider the hole your standing in is just getting deeper. 


NOTE: For the purpose of this discussion its assumed this is a verbal conversation and thus I used the phrase slander. Technically in written text format its considered defamation / libel when speaking about the correct use of the words.

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Guess you should have bought Mobilinc month to month, or opened your ports and not paid them
Your choices, your consequences
Not a UDI problem - yours
Please don't answer anymore your comment is not constructive do something else with your life
so I was scammed, move on
When I said I was scammed I was RESPONDING to a post by bgrubb1
It's pretty funny to me how you want to turn this issue against me.
YOU started insulting, not me.
Do you want me to show you a screenshot to show it was YOU and 100% YOU who started with the bitching and crying??

Who started insulting then are you Teken??

Why can't you say "I am sorry" when facts are facts.


You insulted me, now you are pretending I started it

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