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Implement zig bee to a existing smart home


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Hi everyone, been using isy for 5+ years strictly smart home products, as they are failing I looked into zig bee since I have the 994i pro with zig bee support, my question is what would I have to do to get a zig bee product to work. Do I need another plm, is it difficult to set up? zb seems to have better products with a lower price point. Can I mix and match? any help would be great and thanks in advance, I'm treading on new waters. sorry to smart home but you seem limited and expensive now plus products do not last.


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The ZigBee wall switches I found are more costly than Insteon. Is there a ZigBee in-wall outlet? How about an in-wall keypad? What will you do about RF interference?


How do you know that the ZigBee switches will last any longer than the Insteon ones?

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this daughter card will it interface with ZigBee or will I need a separate controller device? I'm not looking for a in wall outlet rather a outdoor module, or even a hi amp indoor one to run my pool pump. I have also seen a good amount of zig bee products that seem cool and could have a use for if there is not a huge upfront investment. I'm sure I could figure out how to control it, but can I buy this card and a simple switch from ZigBee and it will work? or do I have to go above and beyond by having to buy a rf switch as mentioned above. Basically would it be cost affective to start to switch to zig bee vs staying with smart home. Thanks in advanced. also I don't bu iv had bad luck with smart home switches failing within 6 months at times so why not try another brand but I also had some luck my longest switch is now 7 years old, I like burger king you might like McDonalds I wont know until I try. Lots of cool products are supported by zig bee that smart home does not offer sadly. So id like to give zig bee a whirl if I could simply by a switch or device and it works unless I need to buy more stuff upfront. Average life span of my 40+ smart home devices is about 3.5 years at 70$ average price this adds up quickly. Again Thanks

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The ISY does not support the ZigBee HA profile just energy monitoring / management.





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Thank You this is where my confusion lies, I thought I could control mor with ZigBee then just a thermostat, I'm not opposed to z-wave either, Ill do some more research, figured the kind folks here could have given me more insight quicker, but I guess its not a bad idea to learn. Thanks a million.


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In the ideal world ZigBee would encompass all of the different profiles into one global standard. Sadly, nobody in the ZigBee camp thought that far and hence the massive limitations.


And people wounder why adoption in the home automation industry is so disjointed and lack luster. 

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