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Battery consumption


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Since I have been playing with the Agave app, I have noticed a bit of battery drain. But they may have been because I have playing with it. But today, I had about 6 hours of very little use and then I checked my battery usage because my battery was under 40%. So I checked my battery usage and it showed 20% for my screen, 20% for Android, and then 12% for Agave. It was in the top three with little use. I understand it also works in the background, but it seemed like a quite a bit. Has anyone else noticed the same?

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Since I have been playing with the Agave app, I have noticed a bit of battery drain. But they may have been because I have playing with it. But today, I had about 6 hours of very little use and then I checked my battery usage because my battery was under 40%. So I checked my battery usage and it showed 20% for my screen, 20% for Android, and then 12% for Agave. It was in the top three with little use. I understand it also works in the background, but it seemed like a quite a bit. Has anyone else noticed the same?

Known issue.


If agave is kept running in the background you will probably notice a battery drain increase. The app is designed to process events in the background even if not using the app. This sync keeps a constant IP connection to the ISY and is a significant user of battery resources. If you do not need continuous updates, turn this off in the settings and be sure to exit the app instead of "home button" minimizing. This feature will be of more use when notifications are implemented.


Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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Only problem could be the need to store the ISY credential. Unless you can convince UDI to allow you to authenticate to the portal with oAuth to then stream events to you for pushing.

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I would prefer if the portal took on this task so that my app could just register with it, but I have thrown around the idea. Would require creating a server in the cloud/outside would somewhere to handle all off the requests and do all the ISY querying and pushing. Since the portal does this already would be a nice add-on.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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