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ISY Portal with Mobilinc and multiple ISY devices


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How do we handle multiple ISY controllers in the Portal and using Mobilinc? when I put the information in, I'm assuming it can't determine which ISY device to connect to. It looks like it parses and updates the data, but then there are no devices, no scenes...nothing. In Lighting Controller, where it says "UUID of ISY", it says Remote ISY instead of the actual UUID of the controller like on another system i have with just 1 ISY unit in the portal.



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Won't need to get a refund. I figured out the solution is to create user accounts in the ISY portal under USERS and then to assign each user account a preferred ISY UUID. I can then make each separate profile connect using it's associated user account and it works perfectly. (note: I created email aliases for the user accounts so that I wouldn't need to create additional email accounts)



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