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IR Linc and Appliance Linc Woes

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I have been trying to control 3 appliance lincs with NEC codes from and Elan Home system now for a solid two months. I need to have a seperate on and a seperate off remote code as the touch screen that controls the remote code has no visual feedback as to weather or not the device switched on or not. I have learned the codes into the IR Linc per the instructions under Linc management through the ISY. For the first Appliance linc, I set the first code as a controller in a scene to be the on code. I then put that contollers slider at the 100% on position. I then put the Off code in the scene and set it's slider to the 100% off positions. What happens is that the on codes turns the Appliance linc on AND Off like a toggle switch and the off codes does nothing. I have tried different IR Lincs and I have even tried to get it to work with the credit card remote but to no avail.


How do you set up these learned remote codes to be on only and off only with the ISY?

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There may be another way, but you could always write a pair of ISY programsto react to the IR code instead of putting them in scenes.













I don't have an IRLinc installed at the moment, so I can't give you the exact code, but hopefully this can point you in the right direction.


Only downsides I can see is that there would be a slight delay (1 second or so) and the ISY would need to be up and running for the remote to work.


Hopefully someone will reply with a better solution, but if not this should work for you.

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Hi Michael,


ISY cannot program your IRLinc buttons to be either on or off. Please try separating the two scenes:

1. Make one scene for off where the first IR button is the controller and all else are responders. In this - and for first IR button, put all the sliders to 0

2. Make another scene for on where the second IR button is the controller and all else are responders. In this scene - and for the 2nd IR button, put all the sliders to the on level you wish


With kind regards,



I have been trying to control 3 appliance lincs with NEC codes from and Elan Home system now for a solid two months. I need to have a seperate on and a seperate off remote code as the touch screen that controls the remote code has no visual feedback as to weather or not the device switched on or not. I have learned the codes into the IR Linc per the instructions under Linc management through the ISY. For the first Appliance linc, I set the first code as a controller in a scene to be the on code. I then put that contollers slider at the 100% on position. I then put the Off code in the scene and set it's slider to the 100% off positions. What happens is that the on codes turns the Appliance linc on AND Off like a toggle switch and the off codes does nothing. I have tried different IR Lincs and I have even tried to get it to work with the credit card remote but to no avail.


How do you set up these learned remote codes to be on only and off only with the ISY?

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Hi Michel, I have tried that. I got the first APL working, but the on / off codes are toggling. I guess I can live with that. The second and third APL, which I have set up identically to the first, are not working. These two will not repond to the on code and when I try to set the slider for the Off IR command, I get a request failed error. Keep in mind that all of these devices, the IR linc and the APLs were working as programmed before I integrated the ISY.I have swapped out the IR linc and Have tried replacing one of the APLs to no avail. I think we need some telephone time.





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Hi Michael,


Yes, please do give us a call and we'll walk you through it. Please do be kind enough to make sure you have remote access enabled.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel, I have tried that. I got the first APL working, but the on / off codes are toggling. I guess I can live with that. The second and third APL, which I have set up identically to the first, are not working. These two will not repond to the on code and when I try to set the slider for the Off IR command, I get a request failed error. Keep in mind that all of these devices, the IR linc and the APLs were working as programmed before I integrated the ISY.I have swapped out the IR linc and Have tried replacing one of the APLs to no avail. I think we need some telephone time.





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