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Notifications Stopped Working - TLS Negotiation Failed


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First off let me say I am still running an ISY99. I just haven't made the change and since I have a rather simple system and things always work, I just haven't bothered to make the switch.


About 4 days ago, I stopped receiving my email alerts. I am using my own Gmail account and I haven't made any changes. The password is the same, as well as the account info, and I have 1000 ms for timeout and port 587. I also haven't changed my router or settings whatsoever. If I try to run a test, I get TLS Negotiation Failed. If I turn off TLS, I get Unsupported Authentication Method.


In looking at the Error Log, I have the following when a message is attempting to be sent.....


Mon 2016/06/27 11:50:01 AM System -170001 [Network] Established
Mon 2016/06/27 11:50:13 AM System -50001 -18
I have also tried a Yahoo account with the same exact result.
Any ideas as to what could be going on???
Thanks for any help



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I provided the link because there are about a dozen trouble shooting steps that should be tried to help narrow down the issue.


Please report back once you have tried them all.





The highest calling in life is to serve ones country faithfully - Teach others what can be. Do what is right and not what is popular.

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I provided the link because there are about a dozen trouble shooting steps that should be tried to help narrow down the issue.


Please report back once you have tried them all.





The highest calling in life is to serve ones country faithfully - Teach others what can be. Do what is right and not what is popular.

I don't see anything there to really try. I already mentioned that I tried a Yahoo account and that didn't work. The thread doesn't mention what the port number is supposed to be for non-Gmail accounts, so if you have any insight there, that would be great.


I didn't have a "name" in the From field, but I did add one and then remove it and it didn't work with either change.


I also already had Less Secure Apps enabled in my Gmail account.


One thing I did just try was that I changed to the Default email account and the test did work.

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You may try port 465 vs 587 in the SMTP port field. As it was discussed in that forum thread (assuming) none of the technical issues are present.


It could very well be the fact the less secure TLS / SSL cipher is no longer being supported by all the major ISP / email host providers.


It should be noted you should leave the *From* field populated during your testing as this removes that one extra component from the mix. I would also urge you to go back to the basics and confirm the internal network is fine.


Some of the most basic and simple things to try and confirm is:


1. Reboot the ISP modem, router, ISY Series Controller in that order.


2. Turn off all firewall, anti-virus, spam protection and white list the controller.


3. Create a new email account and verify you can send and receive using all methods.


4. Once step three has been confirmed as fully operational use those same account credentials for the ISY and test.


5. Using any of the port scanning tools on line verify the appropriate ones are open for use.


6. Worst case scenario take the controller off site and see if the default and custom email settings operate. If the custom email does not work you have at least confirmed its not a internal network issue on your LAN. 


7. Lastly, if none of these or any of the above trouble steps resolve the issue consider submitting a service request to UDI for more insight and guidance: http://www.universal-devices.com/contact-support/


Please reference this thread so they can track its progress and resolution.

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If you truly have a 99i (rather than a 994i), it's likely that your ISP is now not accepting the older crypto that the 99i uses, leading to the TLS failure. If it is a 99i, do you have the PRO or standard one? If PRO, there are some additional steps we can try (in the Dashboard). Otherwise, there are two options:


1) Disable encryption


2) Take advantage of UDIs continuing generosity, and upgrade to the 994i, which supports modern crypto.

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If you truly have a 99i (rather than a 994i), it's likely that your ISP is now not accepting the older crypto that the 99i uses, leading to the TLS failure. If it is a 99i, do you have the PRO or standard one? If PRO, there are some additional steps we can try (in the Dashboard). Otherwise, there are two options:


1) Disable encryption


2) Take advantage of UDIs continuing generosity, and upgrade to the 994i, which supports modern crypto.

Well I have no idea what's going on. I changed it another Gmail address I have this morning and the test worked. I changed it back to the Gmail address I have been using all along and now that test worked. Bizzare.

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Well I have no idea what's going on. I changed it another Gmail address I have this morning and the test worked. I changed it back to the Gmail address I have been using all along and now that test worked. Bizzare.


Your experience mimics a few other members experiences. I would offer your living on borrowed time and this is just the beginning of your frustrations.

Edited by Teken
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  • 6 months later...

My Notifications just stopped working in the past several days.  No changes, just not working.  I have been sending notifications to my Verizon text account.


Using latest version 4.5.4 from September of 2016.

Error : Mail server DNS error [[sMTP_ERRORS-mail.universal-devices.com]]

           TCP client DNS error [api.aerisapi.com]

Edited by Stephen Martinek
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