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Humidity Control on Venstar Thermostats


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It's been a while since I have seen discussion on this topic. With the current protocols, it appears to only be possible to query the humidity of the thermostat (with appropriate thermostat/module).



Is it viable in the future that the ISY will also be able to control the themostat's set level for Humidity? If so, would it be only a software (protocol) upgrade for the ISY or would new hardware be needed for the Venstar thermostat/insteon module? (i.e. is it impossible for the Insteon venstar module to set this value to the Venstar themostat, even though it can query the value)


It is likely this functionality has been considered, and is tabled on a "to-do" list. If that is the case, has there been any current development?





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Hello Geoff,


I am not sure what you are alluding to since - to my knowledge - humidity is a read only value. And, I have not seen anywhere in the INSTEON documentation that there's an option of setting humidity settings. Currently, you CAN write programs that do different things based on the humidity reading.


With kind regards,



It's been a while since I have seen discussion on this topic. With the current protocols, it appears to only be possible to query the humidity of the thermostat (with appropriate thermostat/module).



Is it viable in the future that the ISY will also be able to control the themostat's set level for Humidity? If so, would it be only a software (protocol) upgrade for the ISY or would new hardware be needed for the Venstar thermostat/insteon module? (i.e. is it impossible for the Insteon venstar module to set this value to the Venstar themostat, even though it can query the value)


It is likely this functionality has been considered, and is tabled on a "to-do" list. If that is the case, has there been any current development?





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The T1800 and T1900 Venstars have the ability to control humidity and they have a Humidity setpoint both for Humidify and De-Humidify. The setpoint is done through the setup though and not directly changeable from the "normal" thermostat control screen. Because of that, I am not sure if it is changeable through the Insteon adapter or not.


Why do I know this you might ask? Well, as some of us discussed in another thread, I mistakenly bought the T1700 thinking I was getting Humidity sensing. I didn't need humidity control, which I knew the T1800 and T1900 did...since I don't have a humidifier system on the unit, I just wanted to run the AC when the humidity gets high. I have it setup that way now (If it gets over a certain level, set the system to cool, set the ac setpoint lower, etc.) but just recently learned it has never worked! Because even though the T1700 sends back a Humidity reading to the ISY...it is bogus because it doesn't even a humidity sensor in it!


There, got that off my chest! :shock:


Hello Geoff,


I am not sure what you are alluding to since - to my knowledge - humidity is a read only value. And, I have not seen anywhere in the INSTEON documentation that there's an option of setting humidity settings. Currently, you CAN write programs that do different things based on the humidity reading.


With kind regards,



It's been a while since I have seen discussion on this topic. With the current protocols, it appears to only be possible to query the humidity of the thermostat (with appropriate thermostat/module).



Is it viable in the future that the ISY will also be able to control the themostat's set level for Humidity? If so, would it be only a software (protocol) upgrade for the ISY or would new hardware be needed for the Venstar thermostat/insteon module? (i.e. is it impossible for the Insteon venstar module to set this value to the Venstar themostat, even though it can query the value)


It is likely this functionality has been considered, and is tabled on a "to-do" list. If that is the case, has there been any current development?





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I think I am clear on the current options available for humidity (read only) and manually have a "set value" on the physical thermostat.


The issue I was hoping to resolve is that the thermostat has the option to "run the fan only" automatically when a call for humidity is needed (and for that matter, you can also set a de-humidify level) to run the AC when de-humidifying.


I was hoping to be able to change the "set level" of the humidifier based on other "variables" such as outside temperature/humidity (perhaps from WB information).


In Canada, one of our largest issues in the winter months is having a humidity level too high where the outside windows ice up due to too much humidity. Though one doesn't also want to have a super dry home which causes static electricity problems (thus recently a fried Xbox for me). It is very much a balancing act of the appropriate set-value for the humidity level.


One would want to be able to automate the the humidity "set-point" at various intervals.


Michael's answer of the value being "read only" is what I had understood. All I was wondering is whether anyone had heard if there was appetite to update the insteon -> venstar interface to allow it to be "set" instead of "read only".




Example of settings:

At Outside Temperature Recommended Setting

-20°F (-29°C) 15

-10°F (-23°C) 20

0°F (-18°C) 25

+10°F (-12°C) 30

+20°F (-7°C) 35

Above 20°F (-7°C) 40


NOTE: As the outside temperature drops, the recommended humidity control setting is lowered to accommodate for dewpoint effects. These settings should reduce the accumulation of moisture and ice on your windows and in other areas of your home.

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Hi again,


This is quite interesting indeed and very much useful. I can tell you that I have not heard of any imminent changes to the thermostats API which would support what you are looking for.


This said, however, I think you can do most of what you wish within ISY. Yes, it's quite a roundabout way of doing things but, tactically, that's the only option.


With kind regards,



I think I am clear on the current options available for humidity (read only) and manually have a "set value" on the physical thermostat.


The issue I was hoping to resolve is that the thermostat has the option to "run the fan only" automatically when a call for humidity is needed (and for that matter, you can also set a de-humidify level) to run the AC when de-humidifying.


I was hoping to be able to change the "set level" of the humidifier based on other "variables" such as outside temperature/humidity (perhaps from WB information).


In Canada, one of our largest issues in the winter months is having a humidity level too high where the outside windows ice up due to too much humidity. Though one doesn't also want to have a super dry home which causes static electricity problems (thus recently a fried Xbox for me). It is very much a balancing act of the appropriate set-value for the humidity level.


One would want to be able to automate the the humidity "set-point" at various intervals.


Michael's answer of the value being "read only" is what I had understood. All I was wondering is whether anyone had heard if there was appetite to update the insteon -> venstar interface to allow it to be "set" instead of "read only".




Example of settings:

At Outside Temperature Recommended Setting

-20°F (-29°C) 15

-10°F (-23°C) 20

0°F (-18°C) 25

+10°F (-12°C) 30

+20°F (-7°C) 35

Above 20°F (-7°C) 40


NOTE: As the outside temperature drops, the recommended humidity control setting is lowered to accommodate for dewpoint effects. These settings should reduce the accumulation of moisture and ice on your windows and in other areas of your home.

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I share your concern regarding high humidity levels in winter. As well build tighter, more efficient homes it becomes increasingly difficult to control the humidity in winter and provide fresh air. Using setback thermostats compounds this problem. As the house temperature decreases the RH increases and you again have water puddled on your windows.


I went down the path of "Reheat" humidity control 6 years ago with a Honeywell dedicated system that I set up myself. Nice sophisticated setup with outside temperature monitoring and automatic compensation for internal RH. I gave it up in the first year.


1) Running the A/C in the winter drove me nuts. Every time the A/C kicked in all I could think of was that I was paying for heating and cooling at the same time.

2) When running a setback thermostat, the system would tend to drive the temperature down to the low setpoint rather than letting the temperature "drift" down.


An alternative to using the "Reheat" mode to lower the humidity would be to install a outside vent kit (motorized damper ducted outside). By bringing in the cold air and reheating it you achieve the dehumidification and ventilate your home at the same time. Since the heating systems are typically more efficient than A/C dehumidification, you are also saving money.


The Venstar thermostats include a programmable output that could be used to control the damper motor on a outside air duct. Add a call for low speed furnace fan and you have a dehumidifier/ventilation system. To make this accurate you would also require an outdoor temp sensor, but it sounds like you've already taken that into account.


You could make things fancy and activate your bath/range hood fans (Insteon) the exhaust stale air from the home.




I think I am clear on the current options available for humidity (read only) and manually have a "set value" on the physical thermostat.


The issue I was hoping to resolve is that the thermostat has the option to "run the fan only" automatically when a call for humidity is needed (and for that matter, you can also set a de-humidify level) to run the AC when de-humidifying.


I was hoping to be able to change the "set level" of the humidifier based on other "variables" such as outside temperature/humidity (perhaps from WB information).


In Canada, one of our largest issues in the winter months is having a humidity level too high where the outside windows ice up due to too much humidity. Though one doesn't also want to have a super dry home which causes static electricity problems (thus recently a fried Xbox for me). It is very much a balancing act of the appropriate set-value for the humidity level.


One would want to be able to automate the the humidity "set-point" at various intervals.


Michael's answer of the value being "read only" is what I had understood. All I was wondering is whether anyone had heard if there was appetite to update the insteon -> venstar interface to allow it to be "set" instead of "read only".




Example of settings:

At Outside Temperature Recommended Setting

-20°F (-29°C) 15

-10°F (-23°C) 20

0°F (-18°C) 25

+10°F (-12°C) 30

+20°F (-7°C) 35

Above 20°F (-7°C) 40


NOTE: As the outside temperature drops, the recommended humidity control setting is lowered to accommodate for dewpoint effects. These settings should reduce the accumulation of moisture and ice on your windows and in other areas of your home.

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