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Console Java woes


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It seems UDI's dependence on Java has become a bit of an albatross. With the latest updates of Java and Chrome, I am unable to access the console.


I know this topic has been addressed here many times over the past few years, but the answers don't seem to solve the problem.


I've seen suggestions to update the firmware, but I have no way to do that - Catch 22! 


I am able to access the web interface (after messing around with java settings to allow it) but not the console. It claims I need to update Java, but I already have the latest version (version 8, update 91)


BTW, since I've recently moved it's fine if I have to do a reset of my device to install new firmware - but I need to know how to do it!


Already set my device address in the exceptions list.


I downloaded the admin console. When I open it I get:


Application Block by Java Security


For security, applications must now meet the requirements for the High or Very High security settings, or be part of the Exception Site List, to be allowed to run.


  [More Information]


Reason: Your security settings have blocked an application signed with an expired or not-yet-valid certificate from running.


My Java security setting is set to High (not Very High). There are no other choices.





OSX El Capitan 10.11.5

Chrome/Safari but willing to use any browser that will work

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Now works. I had to download the Admin Console directly from the UDI website. Using the link on the device interface gives me a version of the Admin Console that won't work with current Java security.

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Yes, but what about the fact that many applications are no longer being written in Java and/or being converted to other platforms, like HTML5? 

And what about the rumors that even Oracle is losing interesting in continuing its support for Java?

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