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Why My ISY Portal disables MobiLinc?


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ISY is a custom OS /hardware combination and yes, the resources are limited. The specific resources are not published, and it wouldn't be much use either. The ISY does not run Linux, Windows, OSX, or any other OS. It's unique in its needs, so cannot easily be compared to the needs of other systems.


I know Michael said ISY99 was 300 Mhz


So we don't know if what we buy will be obsolete 6 months or 6 years from now


Sorry but keeping stuff hidden is really not ok

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I know Michael said ISY99 was 300 Mhz


So we don't know if what we buy will be obsolete 6 months or 6 years from now


Sorry but keeping stuff hidden is really not ok

Does Comcast publish the CPU and ram specs or their set top box? Dish? Smartthings? I could go on and on.... Stop sweating the specs. We buy a box that provides a function available at the time. We expect it to at least last as long as the warranty. We hope it will last longer. We hope it will gain new features.


We are not buying a box that we hope to run Linux on. Specs don't matter.

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I know Michael said ISY99 was 300 Mhz


So we don't know if what we buy will be obsolete 6 months or 6 years from now


Sorry but keeping stuff hidden is really not ok

It actually is okay. It's an accepted standard practice.


Best regards,

Gary Funk

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Please don't answer anymore your comment is not constructive do something else with your life


so I was scammed, move on


You seem to be on the wrong forum.

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Please don't answer anymore your comment is not constructive do something else with your life


so I was scammed, move on


I truly believe most if not all of the relevant information and facts have been provided to you regarding this subject matter. The reality is you have one of the best home automation controllers in the market place.


UDI is one of the most transparent, honest, and engaged hardware vendors in the business. The requirements of almost every feature / service is listed in the sales page, forums, and Interwebs. As noted by others UDI offers a unconditional satisfaction *Refund Policy* which you are freely able to invoke at any time should you so choose.


Simply submit a service request at this URL: http://www.universal-devices.com/contact-support 


Please include your ISY Series Controller UUID and a link to this forum thread so the team can mark this thread as resolved. You will not find another company in the industry where the actual CEO interacts, replies, and assists the customer to resolve issues related to their product / services.


I would highly suggest you take a few moments to decide what it is you want and to follow the suggestions outlined above. 

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I truly believe most if not all of the relevant information and facts have been provided to you regarding this subject matter. The reality is you have one of the best home automation controllers in the market place.


UDI is one of the most transparent, honest, and engaged hardware vendors in the business. The requirements of almost every feature / service is listed in the sales page, forums, and Interwebs. As noted by others UDI offers a unconditional satisfaction *Refund Policy* which you are freely able to invoke at any time should you so choose.


Simply submit a service request at this URL: http://www.universal-devices.com/contact-support 


Please include your ISY Series Controller UUID and a link to this forum thread so the team can mark this thread as resolved. You will not find another company in the industry where the actual CEO interacts, replies, and assists the customer to resolve issues related to their product / services.


I would highly suggest you take a few moments to decide what it is you want and to follow the suggestions outlined above.






I think UDI was 100% honest and transparent


MobiLinc however charged me for 1 year of MobiLinc connect


and then I asked for a refund

heck partial refund was acceptable



All he said is stop using UDI and start using MobiLinc

WILL BUY from UDI again

will NOT buy from MobiLinc again

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I think UDI was 100% honest and transparent


MobiLinc however charged me for 1 year of MobiLinc connect


and then I asked for a refund

heck partial refund was acceptable



All he said is stop using UDI and start using MobiLinc

WILL BUY from UDI again

will NOT buy from MobiLinc again


For the sake of clarity for me and others - did you not intentionally purchase the two service / products?!?! Did you not read the requirements of each service(s)?!?!?


There are only a few answers which is you failed to read the requirements, read the requirements and ignored them, or have buyers remorse?!?!


I know this might be a novel idea for some but due diligence, comprehension, and having the ability to research a little is the norm in the Home Automation industry. Unlike many Nanny States in America, there is noone going to force you to do anything here.


You asked many questions about why something did / didn't work - the answers were provided in full. Wes at Mobilinc has also given you obvious feed back about his product / service(s). You have very simple choices here and its up to you to decide what to do and stop the bitching and moaning and carry on already.


This endless circle talk isn't going to resolve itself until you accept the fact you didn't ask enough questions along with educating yourself about platforms in use.


You make it sound like someone stole your ball and won't give it back?!?! 

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For the sake of clarity for me and others - did you not intentionally purchase the two service / products?!?! Did you not read the requirements of each service(s)?!?!?


There are only a few answers which is you failed to read the requirements, read the requirements and ignored them, or have buyers remorse?!?!


I know this might be a novel idea for some but due diligence, comprehension, and having the ability to research a little is the norm in the Home Automation industry. Unlike many Nanny States in America, there is noone going to force you to do anything here.


You asked many questions about why something did / didn't work - the answers were provided in full. Wes at Mobilinc has also given you obvious feed back about his product / service(s). You have very simple choices here and its up to you to decide what to do and stop the bitching and moaning and carry on already.


This endless circle talk isn't going to resolve itself until you accept the fact you didn't ask enough questions along with educating yourself about platforms in use.


You make it sound like someone stole your ball and won't give it back?!?!


I asked why it doesn't work and Michael responded why it doesn't work


and then I got 100 other people just trying to bully me implying I am stupid for buying in the first place


I like Michael and props to him I admire him and the great product he has done


but apparently if I start a thread then people want to blast me and blast me and just annoy me for 7 days after I already got an answer.


You guys should be more calmed down.


If Michael answers the question then there is ***NOTHING*** anybody should say after that unless it's constructive and based on your posts it's just people blasting trying to get the last word


I am 100% sure some idi.ot is going to answer my post after I already got an answer from Michael days ago.

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I did educated myself what do you mean that you are more intelligent than me??????


Maybe the inmaturity starts with you



bottom line is MobiLinc sells software and provides no refunds.


UDI sells software and if it doesn't work it provides refund.


Don't go and insult me anymore maybe you are the uneducated that didn't read this thread was always answered

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Hello everyone,


May I please ask everyone to calm down? rafarataneneces has valid concerns and questions and, even though I cannot speak for MobiLinc, I can definitely answer technical questions as there's absolutely nothing to hide. ISY uses Freescale (now NXP) MCF5270 RISC processor which runs at 150MHz. ISY has 8MB or RAM and 2MB of Flash and 64K SRAM (which we use extensively for encryption/decryption routines). From resources perspective, having too many persistent socket connections (https) adds overheard that we decided was not worth the benefits.


With 5.0.x coming out shortly, we still have ample room in RAM and flash.


With kind regards,


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​I've looked over my support email correspondence, but I can't associate your name here with any email support I've received. In general I've always refunded a MobiLinc Connect purchase within 30 days (even though we offer 30 days free as a trial) if the buyer was not satisfied with our MobiLinc Connect solution for our MobiLinc apps. 


If you would like to reach out to me again here: support@mobilinc.com and reference this thread and previous correspondence, I'll be happy to take a look and see if I can issue you a MobiLinc Connect service refund. If you purchased 6 months ago, I won't have much flexibility, but certainly within the last 30 days I can assist you.



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Hello everyone,


May I please ask everyone to calm down? rafarataneneces has valid concerns and questions and, even though I cannot speak for MobiLinc, I can definitely answer technical questions as there's absolutely nothing to hide. ISY uses Freescale (now NXP) MCF5270 RISC processor which runs at 150MHz. ISY has 8MB or RAM and 2MB of Flash and 64K SRAM (which we use extensively for encryption/decryption routines). From resources perspective, having too many persistent socket connections (https) adds overheard that we decided was not worth the benefits.


With 5.0.x coming out shortly, we still have ample room in RAM and flash.


With kind regards,



Thanks Michael!


Are these the specs for ISY994 or ISY99?

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With that said, it's unbelievable how can 150Mhz have 1000 programs.


Speed and number of programs are not directly related. A 6MHz CPU and run 1000's of programs, just not all concurrently B)

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Hello everyone,


There are a few reasons why ISY is capable of doing what it can with such a low powered CPU:

1. The instruction set ... we compared this with an ARM processor at 500Mhz and for all activities (and especially network related), ISY was either equal or faster. This said, ISY is definitely slower compared to 1000Mhz ARM processors

2. Highly optimized OS which takes advantage of every little bit of resources and specifically SRAM

3. Chris and his background in compiler design!


With kind regards,


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I would worry more about the Insteon Protocol holding things back. Than the ISY994i.

The ISY994i has to talk to the 2413S PLM by a serial protocol. 19,200 Baud, 8 Data Bits, No parity, 1 Stop Bit.


All Insteon signals are timed to the AC Power Line Zero Crossing. Other than the present Insteon I2CS protocol using Extended Insteon Messaging . Not much can be done to speed things up.


If you are interested the White Papers are still available to look at and download.




The Developers Notes are again removed from the general public access.

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Thanks Wes for working closely with me in solving this issue.


Please close the thread after this comment.


I wanted a technical explanation of why ISY Portal doesn't work with MobiLinc connect.


Upon users pushing and pushing it became a thread full of hate toward poster that was asking a technical question. 


I believe my concern is legitimate, I have two fantastic technologies (ISY994, ISY Portal with IFTTT and Amazon Echo) and MobiLinc connect (notification  upon variable changes, geofencing, dashboard, today view, sound commands)


As a user, I feel upset I have to chose between those two.


Before using ISY I used Insteon Hub and it  was so cool to learn about Home Automation.


I then moved on to ISY and when I opened the ISY package I saw a flyer saying "Buy MobiLinc Connect!"

So I bought it!


Also, I remember seeing MobiLinc Connect on iTunes store, when I was searching for 'Insteon' so I knew that MobiLinc Connect was a PROFESSIONAL tool for advanced customers and I was so happy when I bought my ISY and I could finally do programming plus use MobiLinc Connect.


My dream is now, officially dead unless both companies work together to resolve the limitation that Michel stated is due to  CPU (100 Mhz) limitations.


I would love to see MobiLinc connect be rewritten to work with ISY Portal, when will I see that, I don't know, but I would be happy to pay $100/year if it  works great again, like it was working before.


Do I believe I am stupid for buying three Amazon echos? 
No, absolutely not

Nor should I pay the consequences for improving my house.

I now have Echo, I lost MobiLinc connect, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE ISY Portal.


Before I had two options

1) Insteon Hub
2) ISY + MobiLinc
If MobiLinc starts competing with UDI then I have three options
1) Insteon Hub
2) ISY with UDI Amazon Echo and UDI IFTTT
3)  ISY with MobiLinc connect and MobiLinc IFTT
Instead of making it more incompatible for end users, I would LOVE to see UDI and MobiLInc make an alliance to defeat Insteon, SmartThings, etc.
One alliance UDI + MobiLinc so you guys both provide ONE service 
Anyway, thank you Wes, I feel so apologetic if my words were taken out of context or if I said anything that hurt your feelings, I deeply and sincerly apologize.
I appreciate the refund that I got today on my email.
I hope my suggestions are taken into consideration, SmartThings is growing so much, the last thing we need is division among the UDI + MobiLinc community.
You guys started complementing each other, let's work towards that goal and make everybody happy.
I ***LOVE*** my house, I am so thankful to Michel, Wes, and their fantastic products.
I am very grateful for the hard work that you guys have done and every day I use your technology to power my house.
This is the happiest I have ever been and I will continue to buy your products.
Consider me a customer for life, and Wes thanks for understanding a happy customer.

Please lock the thread now.
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