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Any must-have points for an ISY vlog


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Hey guys, i've been asked by a few folks to record a vlog focused on my experience with the SmartThings vs VRCOP/VRUSB vs ISY, since the ISY seems to have tackled my zWave demons. (knock on wood).


I only vlog about things with which I have personal experience so I suppose I need to learn more about the ISY intricacies.  Any items you think I need to learn and point out in this?  I'm doing a few rules, I guess i'll learn about IFTTT since I bought the portal (and oddly no YouTube videos on that). Was already going to learn about Echo integration although thats well covered by other areas.


I didn't buy any other modules as I have CQC, so I can't cover Elk, irrigation, electricity, or climate stuff. If any of you want to record a very short clip, i'm happy to include it at the end.

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Hello IVB,


First of all, thanks so very much for taking this on. We all appreciate it very very much!


I think the most important intricacies of ISY are a) the things you can do with programs (including customized emails and network resources). If you have ISY Portal, you also have the Network Module, and if you have Network Module, then you can also communicate with other networked devices (http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series_INSTEON:Networking:Network_Resources).


Thanks again SO very much!


With kind regards,


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