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Echo goes mobile. Hundai now, Ford & BMW later


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Once again you just highlighted my point - the complete and total reliance on technology. Are you a driver or passenger answer the question?


Did the Tesla driver ignore what he should be doing which is driving!


Did he and many other fools leave their entire lives on the table because they were too foolish in the belief this technology is fool proof, idiot proof, and safe in all environments? When auto pilot is first invoked a long aszz page tells the stupid what its intent is and what not to do.


If this specific user had 100% attention on the only task at hand which was driving would he have died that same day?


No . . .


End of story . . .


Ultimately *Pioneers* like Elon Musk is beside themselves because he wanted to bring to market something that could make life safer. Yet with any so called technology advancement or pioneering topic it has been abused to the nth degree. Because there are a large percentage of clueless people who truly believe physics & common sense don't apply to them.

You are changing your point - in your post I responded to - you were 100% against the technology, now you CORRECTLY conclude it's the human factor that is in fault! This must not stop the technology to evolve and become better with every step!


You always concentrate on the small negative (or often just the potential for it) and ignore the greater benefits! From the huge a mouth of automation you are using your self is evident you enjoy technology progress you just don't want to be a pioneer in its creation..


Absolutely fine - live it to more bold and brave people to help the technological advances - it will happen just fine without your pessimism!




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To all Profits of DOOM here.. Echo is not SkyNet :) There ZERO issue with opening you car doors or starting it remotely! I lived in a very cold place for year and a half called Saskatchewan.. In the winter the only way to get in your car and drive is to use remote starter. This are THOUSAND times easier to hack, yet that has never been serious problem in the global sense.. The necessity and convenience GREATLY outweigh the tiny potential risk that anyone would use this to steel your car! Again car thieves have much easier ways to that then to hack tech.


I see No Problem what so ever to be able to lift my hand and speak to my CoWatch "Alexa open my car" as I approach it..


And as for my door lock, even tho Taken feels that is OK to call people stupid left and right, Alex do lock my door! This ONLY enhances my security PERIOD! my "GO to Bed" program i trigger by Alexa when go to bed ensures lights are off, doors are locked, things are secured. I haven't enabled Alexa to unlock my door yet only because I haven't felt the need to.. But even that can be done secure if you do it smart and be creative with the commands.


All wireless HA protocols like Z-Wave, EcoBee, etc. are hackable - if someone wants to do it they don't need Echo. And AGAIN - MOST home burglars are not that tech savvy nor bother to invest in such high tech hacking to get into your house. The high tech hackers will go for big targets, not my condo.


I think it is way more possible for you to forget to lock your door (car or house) then to encounter high-tech hacker to try snuffing and hacking your Echo communication. In which case - you still have your alarm system to protect you (in case you forgot to lock your door or high-tech hacker unlocked it)..





First my screen name is Teken . . .


Not Taken, like I'm going to take the bacon off your plate.


Once again I can't be any clearer on the pitfalls and obvious risks here and provided several examples of such. I've high lighted a portion of your comment and truly believe that isn't based on the truth. 


As my partner in crime Huddaduda likes to say when I enter a thread it will quickly go off the rails and sometimes on a complete tangent even though my examples are directly related. Several commercial Boeing / Air Bus air planes have been proven and tested to take off and land unassisted.


These planes and the technology that allows them to auto pilot, take off, and land have been field proven for years. Ask yourself why if this is the case why is there a need to have two pilots in the cockpit? Keeping in mind there is more technology and proven safety in place to allow them to do so.


Yet no commercial plane at anytime in history has been allowed to fly a plane from take off, cruise, and land via auto pilot?!?!?


Answer me why??


Again, my previous replies clearly stated how any vehicle that is connected to the BCM / PCM which also has micro computers that drive by wire can be abused and hacked.


None of what I have stated is pie in the sky its been done and will continue to be done on a mass scale when the hackers notice there is profit or amusement for them.


Let me end this discussion with something very simple for anyone to answer: When a fully automated vehicle is certified to be allowed on the public road ways. Will you be OK to shuttle / fairy a baby in the back seat with out any human presence, over view, control, to the final destination?


To stay true to form as Alex has stated: Only someone STUPID would ever consider doing so . . .

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First my screen name is Teken . . .


Not Taken, like I'm going to take the bacon off your plate.


Once again I can't be any clearer on the pitfalls and obvious risks here and provided several examples of such. I've high lighted a portion of your comment and truly believe that isn't based on the truth.


As my partner in crime Huddaduda likes to say when I enter a thread it will quickly go off the rails and sometimes on a complete tangent even though my examples are directly related. Several commercial Boeing / Air Bus air planes have been proven and tested to take off and land unassisted.


These planes and the technology that allows them to auto pilot, take off, and land have been field proven for years. Ask yourself why if this is the case why is there a need to have two pilots in the cockpit? Keeping in mind there is more technology and proven safety in place to allow them to do so.


Yet no commercial plane at anytime in history has been allowed to fly a plane from take off, cruise, and land via auto pilot?!?!?


Answer me why??


Again, my previous replies clearly stated how any vehicle that is connected to the BCM / PCM which also has micro computers that drive by wire can be abused and hacked.


None of what I have stated is pie in the sky its been done and will continue to be done on a mass scale when the hackers notice there is profit or amusement for them.


Let me end this discussion with something very simple for anyone to answer: When a fully automated vehicle is certified to be allowed on the public road ways. Will you be OK to shuttle / fairy a baby in the back seat with out any human presence, over view, control, to the final destination?


To stay true to form as Alex has stated: Only someone STUPID would ever consider doing so . . .

Here is the deal - I well one you to hack my echo and "TAKE" my bacon ;) apologize for my autocorrect's stupidity :)


And your partner in crime is right - from opening my car door with Echo device to Boeing's autopilot there is a huge leap.. At the end of the day there is a clear reason why Boeing invested billions in the autopilot technology - to potentially save lives of the pilots become incapacitated in any way! Yet hackers haven't stole plains.. So the potential benefits even here (in your off topic example) warrantied the tech implementation.


Back to the OP - it is VERY exciting announcement, and positive news for the adoption of the Echo technology. And even it was NOT about self driving cars I am looking forward to day (10 years maybe) where the cars from "I, Robot" are reality - much safer traffic, no stupid drivers, just safe technology to save lives and make our future more convenient :)




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You are changing your point - in your post I responded to - you were 100% against the technology, now you CORRECTLY conclude it's the human factor that is in fault! This must not stop the technology to evolve and become better with every step!


You always concentrate on the small negative (or often just the potential for it) and ignore the greater benefits! From the huge a mouth of automation you are using your self is evident you enjoy technology progress you just don't want to be a pioneer in its creation..


Absolutely fine - live it to more bold and brave people to help the technological advances - it will happen just fine without your pessimism!





No, if you read my entire post and understood all the material facts I presented. I clearly stated several problems / issues which are the technology is not ready and there is not enough safety in place to allow such technology to be mass deployed. In the same vain there will be endless iSheep that will believe its OK like it was in the Tesla case to drive around not paying attention.


This is a simple question: What was the persons only task while on the road? If you can't answer that this discussion is quite moot.


As for technology I've been around it and use it each and every day so have some idea of whats happening and will happen. Because lots of folks like to start up or offer straw man arguments which never hold water.


Let me offer a few more examples which anyone can Google should they feel compelled. 


NEST: In 2015 this company pushed out a OTA with out notice or consent and left millions in the dead of winter with bricked TSTAT's. When the first smart TSTAT's came on the scene I was one of many who stated wait for the Gong Show to unfold.




This was proven and undisputed . . .


Smart Cams: Once again the market released cloud based camera systems which the clueless iSheep ran over to purchase and left millions of devices unsecured or allowed random pedophiles direct access to the feed to watch their children.


This was proven and undisputed . . .


Several car makers decided to enhance their vehicles with drive by wire technology. In Several cases the vehicles were hacked and the vehicle environmental's and power train / braking system were invoked.






This was proven and undisputed . . .


Tens of millions of Linux / Unix computers which at the time the so called smart people said had extremely low incidence or threat level awoke to the realization that this OS is like any other and exploits, viruses, trojans, malware, etc are ever present and at the ready to exploit such as Bash, Shell Shock, .




This was proven and undisputed . . .


There is no straw man argument here only the facts as they are. Once again my point is none of this technology on the surface is bad - It comes down to the proper execution and having the safeties in place even if its there to protect the stupid. Our society on a most basic level boils down to those who believe they need to be controlled (Nanny State) where as others believe in complete freedom to do what ever they like.


Like technology some believe it should be pushed forward for all to enjoy with out actually thinking about what should be allowed and done. This is where we are now because the world is inundated with fools who truly believe its OK to automate every aspect of their lives when human intervention is required.

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This whole forum is off course. I don't know why I even bother coming here. This used to be good for tech supports. Now is just doom and gloom.


Best regards,

Gary Funk


There are the doomers and the gloomers. But this forum also has an abundance of bloomers who are the creators and groomers who are the perfectors.

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Therefore, Teken is taken as a token B)


LOL . . .


Sorry I took your thread off the rails - I should know better than to enter a topic which gets me easily heated. Ultimately history is the victor as to how things all play out. As noted my position(s) and counters were supported by material facts not simple conjecture or what so many people like to call straw man arguments.


No, the sky isn't going to fall . . . 


But certainly history has proven mans ability to create technology does not reflect the very fact *Man / Woman* more often than not have no concept of using said technology with in its limits and design principles. I find it interesting those who commented on the topic at hand when presented with material facts with supporting evidence.


Never address them at all?!?!


Its easier to simply say *Wow whats with all the doom and gloom*? If the entire populace simply inserted their heads into the sand and closed their eyes thinking problems will auto-magically disappear. What kind of world would We be living in vs those who are realistic and understand balance must be sought if problems are to be solved.


Doom and gloom is the sad reality that in 2027 the Unites States of America will not be able to service its debt. That my friends is doom and gloom never mind if China should ever call in its markers.


Doom and gloom is the very fact our society has literally enabled itself to remain in a tin box tens of thousands of miles away fly a drone and drop bombs on other humans with out any skin in the game.


That is doom and gloom . . .


Lastly, voice control has a place if used and deployed in a way which ensures safety, privacy, and security for all. At this juncture there is no authentication for Amazon Echo. One simply spouts out a command and that request is processed the very fact people can't understand this most basic element is quite telling indeed.


Its safe to say anyone who is serious about human safety along with how technology has been abused and corrupted simply need to read the links provided up above. Those replying with single line replies clearly didn't take the time or effort to read the articles which outline all of the facets I stated.


Guess it better to stick your head in the sand and click your heels wishing you were in Kansas again.


Now, where that bacon?!?!

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Great idea!


High tech nothing!


Just get a battery operated megaphone from the junk store.


Are you ready for the latest hack for "The Club"....?



Now, hold the flared plastic horn against the window of your condo, press the button, and yell...


. . . . "Alexa, Turn Off door locks!"


Now watch for the confirmation ring pattern. :):)



Right Hudda Dudda? (who is huddaduda?) :)

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Both were great articles to read thanks for sharing. However I am not sure what the point you're trying to make?


As I stated before my thoughts and views are its a combination of technology and human failure(s). Often times the leap in advances of core technology outstrips the human capacity to understand or use said technology to its full extent.


A perfect example is the F22 Raptor which has been limited in its maximum capability to maneuver because the extreme G forces it can exert on the human body far exceeds what a person can endure.


How does this relate to voice control?


It's the very simple fact currently there is no method to authenticate a voice in the echo, dot, tap. Ideally anything that has to do with a car should require voice recognition, PIN, and challenge pass phrase.


This method would be required for each session for how ever long it lasts up to a defined time interval. What I propose is very common and industry best practices.


Lots of people can spout off why something sucks, it's bad, or God forbid the dirty words of DOOM & GLOOM!


I come into a discussion to make people think. I offer insight and factual examples that directly relate to the topic at hand. Once that is done I always try to offer my suggestions on how to improve the technology / user experience.


Like many here some have dabbled in Alpha / Beta testing in a limited fashion. For me I have been doing this in both work and free time. Having been doing this for more than 25 years it's safe to say I've been around.


Having been honored by no less than 49 companies like Adobe, Apple, Auris, Autelis, Aquanta, Cisco, Bose, Brultech, DBX, Denon, DeWalt, Broadcom, Ford, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Insteon, LG, Motorola, Nakamichi, Sony, Sylvania, Panasonic, Techniques, Honda, Toyota, Water Hero, Weather Flow, Xerox, Qualcomm, Rigid, ZigBee, Z-Wave etc.


I've seen lots of things in my time. Much of this I am sure you can relate because you have probably done the very same.


You and I pose questions, suggestions, observations, along with critical feed back about a product / service.


Having also been involved with risk management, loss prevention, security in many fields and industries along with Information Technology I can always see the threats and weaknesses in a product / services.


I've been doing dog food testing for years on projects that are still on going vs some that will never see day light.


What I offer these companies are facts, user experiences, and human ergonomic failures in the product / services they design and offer. My views are voice activated control from hardware like the Amazon Echo in a vehicle without the proper security and protection will result in loss of life.






The highest calling in life is to serve ones country faithfully - Teach others what can be. Do what is right and not what is popular.

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Thank you for dragging me in as your partner in crime! You don't think I get into enough trouble here on my own, so you gotta drag me into more! Lol jk Its all good. Chill out and stop being a troublemaker and ranting. Hahah


No, your right and I personally apologize to anyone I may have offended with my choice words. It should be noted I don't use the word *Stupid / Imbecile* lightly when I reply.


Both of these words have true meaning to me because I have been around thousands of people who absolutely meet, resemble, and act out these phrases.


Stupid Defined: Lacking intelligence or common sense . . .


I will add that this specific word / phrase embodies what frustrates me more than anything these days. Because often than not its not that people are ignorant or don't have enough knowledge. Its the very fact they ignore all the facts and technical data that support a position that doing anything else is simply going out of their way to be stupid.


Many people can be forgiven when they don't know something that is most aptly phrases as being ignorant. But when you know better and have the capacity to learn, and know better and choose to ignore all logic and the rare element of *Common Sense* this again places the phrase / label of *Stupid* on said person(s).


Some would say this is a personal choice, sure . . .


But when history has proven said choice(s) are detrimental and harmful this again indicates a lack of understanding and common sense in all aspects.


Some would say its indifference or my inability to accept that others will choose other avenues.


Sure, but that is only because I see the train wreck coming and want others to be safe and enjoy life as long as possible. 

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No, your right and I personally apologize to anyone I may have offended with my choice words. It should be noted I don't use the word *Stupid / Imbecile* lightly when I reply.


Both of these words have true meaning to me because I have been around thousands of people who absolutely meet, resemble, and act out these phrases.


Stupid Defined: Lacking intelligence or common sense . . .


I will add that this specific word / phrase embodies what frustrates me more than anything these days. Because often than not its not that people are ignorant or don't have enough knowledge. Its the very fact they ignore all the facts and technical data that support a position that doing anything else is simply going out of their way to be stupid.


Many people can be forgiven when they don't know something that is most aptly phrases as being ignorant. But when you know better and have the capacity to learn, and know better and choose to ignore all logic and the rare element of *Common Sense* this again places the phrase / label of *Stupid* on said person(s).


Some would say this is a personal choice, sure . . .


But when history has proven said choice(s) are detrimental and harmful this again indicates a lack of understanding and common sense in all aspects.


Some would say its indifference or my inability to accept that others will choose other avenues.


Sure, but that is only because I see the train wreck coming and want others to be safe and enjoy life as long as possible.

I just want to live in my happy bubble.


Edit: Was Huddadudda, was Scottmichaelj, now known as "BubbleBoy"

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I'm (was) Huddadudda now I am just me. I get into enough trouble on this forum on my own! Lol

The best laugh I had was Teken ranting about his nic being mispelled and then spelling yours incorrectly two sentences later. ROFL.


When you set the bar make sure you have your drink ordered first. :)


Me thinks they better get v5.0.5 out soon or the bored will burn this forum to bits...or at least down to bytes. :)

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The best laugh I had was Teken ranting about his nic being mispelled and then spelling yours incorrectly two sentences later. ROFL.


When you set the bar make sure you have your drink ordered first. :)


Me thinks they better get v5.0.5 out soon or the bored will burn this forum to bits...or at least down to bytes. :)


So true and I apologize but his screen name wasn't very common  . . .

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  • 1 month later...

So the "BMW Connect" iOS app has been updated with Amazon Echo Alexa integration.


Here's the details:




One the BMW connect iOS app is updated you will find this page in the app:




Then as it says you go into the Amazon Alexa app and enable to BMW skill. The details are:






So far it works as advertised. I saw it mentioned you can check fuel levels and some other commands so I am still looking for the full list.


And Teken there doesn't seem to be remote start so don't worry about saving the lemmings.

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