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A few questions about moving to 994i


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I currently have an insteon system and I am considering the jump to the ISY994i because it meets a lot of my needs, but I have a few questions


The setup is as follows 


a 2245-222 hub

a 2413u v1.5 connected to a windows server using houselink with UPS backup


10+ switch lincs (dual band, will probably add a few more)

1 keypad linc

a few lamp lincs (dual band)

I/o link for garage door
3 motion detectors

2 x foscams

3x 2634 outdoor modules

ecobee thermostat


6 raspberry PIs running various RGB strip light controllers/weather station/sprinkler system/ power monitoring that I would like to send event from/to (already have rest or web page interfaces)

3-4 legacy X10 switches that are rarely used and will probably get replaced if they become more heavily used



The home server will always be on for other purposes (media/scheduled applications)


Currently I use Houselink for all of the setup/scheduling and the hub is just for lighting control access through/phone tablet inside the house, but it isn't very integrated and the number of devices seems like it is an issue. Also the FTDI drivers/updates are a periodic issue with Houselink on the server


Since I have the USB PLM I would like to use that, but I have seen nothing on the forums about supporting it in the future so the serial PLM is an added cost I wasn't originally anticipating. Is there any possibility of it being supported in the future?


The primary application for the ISY looks to be a Java program, which is fine for configuration, however I would like an html5 webpage based control panel to be able to embed it into the rest of the system and use from tablet/home theater PC etc. The web app seems to be java api based and that will not work on the browsers I use. Ideally I don't want to have to write webpage based a front end if one exists and can be modified. I have to hit a high Wife Acceptance Factor (more specifically hide the complexity for daily tasks, complex backend stuff as fine as long as it fails gracefully) and prevent child machinations from re-configuring or reassigning (they won't have physical or cyber access to the server/controllers at least until I can train/trust them to maintain it) What options do I have for limited access control on the local LAN?


Is the network module required for the REST/Java/webservices SDK?


​Is mobilinc the only app option that is worth considering (android)? we have multiple devices and accounts that would be used so a web page interface would still be better than an app for cost purposes


Is the network module required to interface to other devices on the LAN? What exactly is the network module software? This is just to confirm it is something I will need to purchase or not.


What benefits does the portal module bring, it looks like it is mostly for remote access, echo and IFTTT? Is the portal required to have the 994i connect to these services? I already have a secure mechanism to remote access segments of my home network remotely and I don't have a lot of interest in exposing external services to my control network (and currently anything that I am experimenting with is in a sandboxed virtual machine on the server).


I have potentially some use for Zwave in the future and may get the option for future compatibility, but I did see a note that newer zwave protocol version are not support by the 994i chipset/firmware are there any practical constraints I should be aware of?


Is there any plans for a newer model of hardware in the next year or is the hardware stabilized?


I believe the answers to most of these questions are anything is possible with the ISY, but I am just wondering how much work the transition will be and how much glue I need to use.

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In no specific order of importance but still relevant in your ask.


1. Hard reset all devices to a OEM state prior to enrolling with the ISY Series Controller. This will ensure all devices are void of any half links, programming etc.


2. The ISY Portal comes with the *Network Module* during the 2 year subscription. Once it lapses you will lose that network module capability. I highly suggest you purchase the module so you have it forever for a one time purchase.


3. The ISY Portal is an extension of the controller as you noted it supports the following and many other services in the near future: IFTTT, Amazon Echo, Honey Well etc. The portal offers a very much plug and play feature set for IFTTT & Echo keeping in mind all of this can be done simply with the use of the Network Module but requires all the sweat equity of the end user.


Paying for the portal allows the majority of users to enjoy life and not worry about back end maintenance's. If your trying to find balance in life vs HA this will offer you that time vs life. 


4. HTML5 is still being worked on from UDI so its on the road map still no ETA. For now you have the choice of Java or downloading the applet.


5. PLM: Its been awhile since I looked at the hardware support but do recall other PLM's being supported. I can't honestly say I have read of many people using something other than the 2413S /  2312S PLM's. I believe there were a few members who used the Smartenit PLM which is based on the same hardware.


6. Smart App: This member has created an alternative and based on casual review has been a big hit with the forum members. Its a nice option to the standard Mobilinc offering: http://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/120-agave-android-app/


7. Z-Wave: The company is still working on fine tuning and hammering out multi channel support. Over all it seems the Z-Wave support is pretty stable and most products are supported. As you probably noted the hardware does not support the latest Gen5 chip set and there is no ETA on this.


If Z-Wave is something you're interested in because of having options, flexibility, and fail over. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase the add on hardware because for $79.XX its not going to break the bank. Upgrading to the next generation hardware when available will just be a snap in and remove moving forward.

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still not completely understanding what the network module will get me if I already have a web server. From reading the wiki here http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Developers:API:REST_Interface itlooks like REST queries don't require it and you can use web sockets to have another application subscribe to ISY changes, but the network module is required for the ISY to send http messages other than email? 


Can variables/ States be set from external programs? below in the wiki implies yes, but I don't see states mentioned separately so I am going to assume that states = variables for the purposes of the interface



/rest/vars/set/<var-type>/<var-id>/<value> Sets a variable given by var-id /rest/vars/get/<var-type>/<var-id> Retrieves a variable given by var-id   Is there a functional capability difference between states and variables? or are they just for mental seperation? I would normally think of states as defined modes with defined transitions, whereas variables would be arbitrary values. but I may have missed the ISY distinction
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still not completely understanding what the network module will get me if I already have a web server. From reading the wiki here http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Developers:API:REST_Interface itlooks like REST queries don't require it and you can use web sockets to have another application subscribe to ISY changes, but the network module is required for the ISY to send http messages other than email? 


Can variables/ States be set from external programs? below in the wiki implies yes, but I don't see states mentioned separately so I am going to assume that states = variables for the purposes of the interface



/rest/vars/set/<var-type>/<var-id>/<value> Sets a variable given by var-id /rest/vars/get/<var-type>/<var-id> Retrieves a variable given by var-id   Is there a functional capability difference between states and variables? or are they just for mental seperation? I would normally think of states as defined modes with defined transitions, whereas variables would be arbitrary values. but I may have missed the ISY distinction


The Network Resource module allows many different Ethernet based protocols to be sent out only.


Basic ISY can send eMail. NR also allows logging files to be created inside ISY from the eMail function call.


With the REST interface built into ISY, variables, programs, devices, and scenes can be controlled and read externally.


State variables cause program executions to trigger when they change value. Integer variables do not saving ISY logic engine cycles.

Both variable types can be used for conditional value logic.

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Is the network module required for the REST/Java/webservices SDK?



Is the network module required to interface to other devices on the LAN? What exactly is the network module software? This is just to confirm it is something I will need to purchase or not.

Yes. The network module allows you to make outbound network requests from the ISY in response to events. It's not required for external devices to use the API to trigger events (etc) on the ISY.

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