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Major Security Flaw In Apple's HomeKit


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I can tell you with 100% certainty Elon Musk was beside himself when he found out that Tesla driver became a smear on the ground.


I cannot even imagine how that must feel to the designers and managers at tesla.  Sometimes, I cannot even imagine why such people are willing to take such a risk.


As you clearly stated vehicles have added many safety elements to ensure *Human* is safe. But then again all of these increased measures from air bags, anti lock brakes, crumple zones, object detection, GPS, remote assist, haven't protected the millions from dieing either.


Agreed.  We have not yet found a risk-free form of transportation.  The interesting question (and one that cannot be answered) is how many more (or fewer?) would have died without these features.  In football, I start to wonder if participants would be safer WITHOUT helmets.  With helmets, players feel more free to tackle without fear of injury, with defenders even using their heads offensively.  Without helmets, might natural self-preservation kick in?  Is it possible that this is true with cars?  Do people drive more recklessly, believing that these safety features take the risk out of driving?   We may never know. 


Again, I have no issues with AV's just the fact like anything it will be abused and ruin it for the rest.


Yes, because we cater to the lowest common denominator.  Yes, someone will find a way to behave stupidly with autonomous vehicles.  Can you even imagine the games people will play in the early years, when AVs and human-driven cars are mixed?  Someone will find it amusing to start cutting in front of some AV, just to see how it will react...or brake hard, or whatever.  Someone will find something stupid to do.


The first time a truly AV is made and deployed you will quickly find some moron with his GF in the back seat doing what ever. We shall later find out said couple is found dead because instead of *Driving* they were pretending to be passengers. You want to be a passenger call a taxi, limo, uber, what ever.


I can tell you with 100% certainty Elon Musk was beside himself when he found out that Tesla driver became a smear on the ground.


I cannot even imagine how that must feel to the designers and managers at tesla.  Sometimes, I cannot even imagine why such people are willing to take such a risk.


As you clearly stated vehicles have added many safety elements to ensure *Human* is safe. But then again all of these increased measures from air bags, anti lock brakes, crumple zones, object detection, GPS, remote assist, haven't protected the millions from dieing either.


Agreed.  We have not yet found a risk-free form of transportation.  The interesting question (and one that cannot be answered) is how many more (or fewer?) would have died without these features.  In football, I start to wonder if participants would be safer WITHOUT helmets.  With helmets, players feel more free to tackle without fear of injury, with defenders even using their heads offensively.  Without helmets, might natural self-preservation kick in?  Is it possible that this is true with cars?  Do people drive more recklessly, believing that these safety features take the risk out of driving?   We may never know. 


Again, I have no issues with AV's just the fact like anything it will be abused and ruin it for the rest.


Yes, because we cater to the lowest common denominator.  Yes, someone will find a way to behave stupidly with autonomous vehicles.  Can you even imagine the games people will play in the early years, when AVs and human-driven cars are mixed?  Someone will find it amusing to start cutting in front of some AV, just to see how it will react...or brake hard, or whatever.  Someone will find something stupid to do.


"The first time a truly AV is made and deployed you will quickly find some moron with his GF in the back seat doing what ever. We shall later find out said couple is found dead because instead of *Driving* they were pretending to be passengers. You want to be a passenger call a taxi, limo, uber, what"


Or, in Pittsburgh, one can call upper and get a driverless taxi.  Imagine that.


Let there be one mother strap in their new born into the back seat and say good bye.


I can't imagine this happening too soon, but it is already happening with young children, but with airplanes.  Some parents send young children unaccompanied on commercial aircraft, trusting in many things happening correctly, including trust in a competent flight crew, and a relative to be there on the other end.  Is trusting your young child to a driverless car hard to imagine at some point in the future?.


All  valid points and questions but sending your child on a plane isn't quite the same. As the plane isn't empty and void of others and there is no less than two pilots depending upon type of plane.


The air lines offer travel assist in (assigning) a flight attendant to ensure small or elderly have boarded or arrive at the correct location with in the air port.


All of this has been in use for decades and just works if a person elects to use said service(s).


With respect to Elon Musk and the entire team one can only imagine the frustration and angst they all feel regarding this tragedy. Most engineers that I have met try very hard to take into account the *Human Element*. But sadly there are more possibilities with *Human* than can be programmed or considered by common sense people.


AV will advance and believe there is a place for it - But engineers must keep one eye focused on the *Human Element* if its to succeed for all to enjoy.


BSG: So say we all . . .


How A Few Words To Siri Unlocked A Man's Front Door And Exposed A Major Security Flaw In Apple's HomeKit




Hmm, my Siri doesn't work the same way. 


With a locked iPhone/iPad at my house, I can "Hey Siri" to control any device (other than my garage door opener) without having to unlock.


I don't mind having to unlock the device to control the garage door via Siri (or sliding up into Control Center, which you can also do from a locked device).  Just surprised that the guy in the article has to unlock his iPad to do anything with Siri...


As you clearly stated vehicles have added many safety elements to ensure *Human* is safe. But then again all of these increased measures from air bags, anti lock brakes, crumple zones, object detection, GPS, remote assist, haven't protected the millions from dieing either.. 


There exists evidence that those safety features, sans GPS, have saved lives and reduced injuries although I doubt that the count is in the millions B)


Is that Caprica Six (Tricia Helfer) as your avatar?


Extremely beautiful woman but - No 


I've always thought it was Farrah Fawcett


One of the sexiest ladies for her time but - No


There exists evidence that those safety features, sans GPS, have saved lives and reduced injuries although I doubt that the count is in the millions B)


No doubt all of the above have contributed to reduced injury or death. GPS was added in because many vehicles like GM's *On Star* are able to provide current location for emergency for EMS, Police, etc.


When seconds count locating a person who is unconscious in a automotive crash is imperative if one is to survive. GM had a TV advert and PR release that indicated how many lives were saved because of *On Star*. They also noted how many vehicle thefts were tracked and criminals were apprehended due to the above.


But as Oberkc noted many times these features are taken for granted and *Human* decides to abuse the intended purpose(s). 


I remember having this argument with someone on the Insteon forum because they were upset that Insteon chose not to support the IOLINC with the Echo. I told them their reason was that it would be to easy for someone to yell to Alexa to open the door and then have access. 


If I wasnt so lazy and I knew they would see it, I'd find and post this saying "I told you so".


I remember having this argument with someone on the Insteon forum because they were upset that Insteon chose not to support the IOLINC with the Echo. I told them their reason was that it would be to easy for someone to yell to Alexa to open the door and then have access.


If I wasnt so lazy and I knew they would see it, I'd find and post this saying "I told you so".



That would be very much unlike you. But I have no problem doing the same!


I remember having this argument with someone on the Insteon forum because they were upset that Insteon chose not to support the IOLINC with the Echo. I told them their reason was that it would be to easy for someone to yell to Alexa to open the door and then have access. 


If I wasnt so lazy and I knew they would see it, I'd find and post this saying "I told you so".


Not supported? Darn, I better tell my Echo, it seems unaware that it can't control several I/O Lincs.


Edit: The Insteon Hub Echo skill doesn't support the I/O Linc.


None of what has transpired is at all surprising to me - it was just a matter of time. I've had lots of people in the past and more recently contact me via PM or direct email as to why I get so heated when topics like this surface.


1. This sort of thing is painfully obvious as to what will happen.

2. People in this era lack common sense or have the capacity to use good judgement.

3. Currently the market is filled with poorly thought out and designed hardware. 

4. Advancement in technology has exceeded *Humans* ability to understand their limits.

5. We as a society have truly regressed on every level and place convenience over safety & security.


All five of these items are related to one single thing: Human


Tangent Alert: There has never been a time in human history where life mimicked science fiction so well. Movies and TV shows were made depicting remote controlled armed fighters.


This was seen in TV shows like SG1 (Star Gate) - We now routinely send drones from America half way around the world to bomb other humans. There is zero skin in the game yet this has become the norm and is OK. Every nation in the world uses the Internet to literally cause havoc and initiate cyber warfare.


This has been seen by the America, British, Canadians, Chinese, German's, Jews, etc.


The greatest patriot of our time (Edward Snowden) is and was instrumental in letting the entire planet know America's NSA has been abusing its powers and so called protection of all to spy, subvert, and harm other nations. The Governments of the free world and those who would do us harm have waited for decades for an opportunity to watch, listen, and control us all.


With the advancement of the so called idiotic phrase IoT and cloud power this has become easier for any Government to circumvent your privacy an security. The question that begs to be asked is why do people feel the need to relinquish what little privacy and security they have left?!?


A storm is a brewing and it seems no one is ready or even cares . . .


We have the worlds first autonomous stealth fighter that has proven it can land on a air carrier with out the aid of *Human*. A smartphone can be used to perform dozens of technical tasks which never existed but in science fiction.


You can literally take a picture of something and if there is a reference from somewhere your face or object will be identified. You want to know who's singing / speaking just use applications like shazaam and their like.


It will identify who the artist / band.


Various Governments have been using these tools for decades and it makes both facial and voice recognition we use like a child's play thing. We have been able to see the words on a news paper from 80,000 feet going Mach 2 or faster since the late 70's.


We now have satellites that can see into the earths crust and in your home. Technology has allowed man to determine the geo location of any sound and fire back exactly where that sound came from. 


There are drones which are capable of taking photos of tens of thousands of square miles offering details of thousands of mega pixels. These images are stitched together to provide million mega pixels of detail and time line never heard of.


We can literally toast a person from the inside out using microwave or use focused sound waves to select a single to a group of people and put them on their knee's.


Yet every single day we the people lose more rights, privileges, and the will to learn and do things with our hands. At some point our society will become so automated there will be no reason to think or have to learn - because things will just happen automagically.


In the end this is very much like the TV show BSG where the captain asked the Cylon *Do humans deserve to live?*


At the pace we are going my answer is a resounding - No. 


If it ever gets into beta - yes!

Don't be running around, like Chicken Little,  yelling

  • SkyNet is falling!.... SkyNet is falling!...."


So far, we want SkyNet in our ISYs. :)




...Geeezzzz.... This Apple has a bite out of it!



The new symbol for Apple/HA integrationpost-6186-140474164819_thumb.jpg


Extremely beautiful woman but - No 



One of the sexiest ladies for her time but - No


I believe it is a picture of Bodil Bjerkvik Blain


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