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How to Arm M1G from ISY Program?


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Hello SpaceCowboy,


Unfortunately, you cannot do that in the current release. More ELK'/ISY integrations are planned and we will start working on them as soon as we get back to a stable INSTEON version.


With kind regards,



I'm sure its because it's Sunday and my brain isn't at full speed but I can't seem how to get an ISY program to arm/disarm the M1G.


Can someone walk me through it?


I can do it from the ISY browser interface but not a program.



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  • 8 months later...

If you have a spare kpl button or an insteon switch that you can hide somewhere you can use it as an intermediary. Write your isy program to turn that switch on/off. Then write an elk program to monitor that status of that switch and turn the alarm on/off based on the status of that switch.

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