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nit picking led question


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Hi Guys;

I have a scene that has three controllers in it. Barn 1 Barn 2 and KPL B.

When I press any one of these the KPL B led lights up.

(now that I think of it I'm not sure the LED lights up when I press either barn SWL, I'll check that tonight)

I have this scene on a timer. when it turns on it doesn't light the KPL B led.

I'm not sure what I did wrong.


Again, all devices are entered into the scene as controllers so I can shut off or turn on all the lights from any place.



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It sounds like you did it correctly. I assume you have checked the level of the keypad button in the scene?


Is the KPL B present as a responder in another scene? Viewable in the Membership display on the device window. Or controlled with another program? Find/Replace function in the Program Details pane. Start at My Programs.


What version ISY and firmware and KeypadLinc do you have?


Thank you,


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