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Release 2.6.14 beta is now available

Michel Kohanim

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You should be OK. Please do be kind enough to upgrade to 2.6.14 before you attempt anything with these switches.


As far as EZIO, I am so very sorry. As much as I want to immediately add support for them, I am so very frightened of all the bugs in might introduce in the process. As soon as we have a stable INSTEON environment, we'll start working on it again.


With kind regards,



Quick question.


Smarthome is replacing 8 of my Icon dimmer swtiches with Insteon Switchlinc Dimmers for a $5 upgrade since they are out of Icons. I'm impressed since they are 3 years old, but it is related to the microswitch issue.


My question is are these new switchlincs the v4 ones everyone complains about? Will this revision support the new switches and is that what people talk about by i2 or is that for particular devices.


Also, I think I read in here somewhere that I'm still out of luck with my EZIO stuff.

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Hi Wayne,

Thanks so very much. Would you be kind enough to let me know how to reproduce it? I just changed the name of devices/scenes and the associated membership nodes got updated immediately.


With kind regards,



If the device is NOT in a scene it wont update immediately. When placed in a scene it will.


Let me know if you need any further info.



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As per SH's recommendation, we have reverted to doing i1 for link management for all devices except for motion sensors. As such, yes, it's 100% normal to have "reads" to be much longer since in i2, you can get a record in one call. In i1, you have to do 3 operations to get only 1 BYTE (each record has 8 BYTES).


With kind regards,



It seems like it takes a lot longer to poll devices for link tables.

Is that just because I'm back in automatic mode, not i1?

or is something as different as it seems?

We're talking minutes for things with a couple dozen links.

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Lets see If I can help with the I/O Linc flags, to the best of my knowladge...


□ Program Lock

Disables local programing (Programming using the set button)


□ Relay Follows Input

Triggering the Sensor also triggers the relay


□ Send X10 Send ON(or OFF)

X10, Send an On or an Off command when the the sensor is triggered


□ Trigger OFF

Insteon, Send an On or an Off command when the sensor is triggered

(Refereed to as Reverse Sensor Response in HL2)


□ LED on TX

Disables/Enables led blinking during power-line traffic


I believe the following are different relay modes described in the documentation:

□ Momentary: A

□ Momentary: Look at Sensor

□ Momentary: Both



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I'm having issues updating. I'm on a Mac (PowerPC, OS 10.5) and I've tried with both FireFox and Safari. I searched this forum and found some stuff on updating issues... I've tried clearing the Java cache and I don't have any firewall on my computer.


I keep getting both of these messages while updating (and not always at the same point)


Upgrade Failed: Invalid Length


Upgrade Failed :java.io.IOException: Broken pipe




I currently have v2.6.13


Hi there,


When this has happened to me in the past, it has been because I downloaded the wrong version of the firmware (26i instead of 99i).



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I think the best thing to do would be for us to connect to your ISY remotely and see what's going on. I have gone through all the possible test cases and they all work fine; there is something that does not evaluate to true and that's where all the problems lie.



With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


Let me know how to proceed so that you can connect to my ISY.



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Hi to_lighter,


Thanks so very much. If you have not yet enabled internet access, then, please do so ( http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=635 ).


Then, when ready, please give us a call at 818-631-0333.


With kind regards,





I think the best thing to do would be for us to connect to your ISY remotely and see what's going on. I have gone through all the possible test cases and they all work fine; there is something that does not evaluate to true and that's where all the problems lie.



With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


Let me know how to proceed so that you can connect to my ISY.



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Hi to_lighter,


Thanks so very much. If you have not yet enabled internet access, then, please do so ( http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=635 ).


Then, when ready, please give us a call at 818-631-0333.


With kind regards,





I think the best thing to do would be for us to connect to your ISY remotely and see what's going on. I have gone through all the possible test cases and they all work fine; there is something that does not evaluate to true and that's where all the problems lie.



With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


Let me know how to proceed so that you can connect to my ISY.





I'm probably going to need to call as well... still having issues. What are your support hours?

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Hi Robert,


This is the strangest thing ever ... would you be kind enough to send me the two digit cat.subcat that you see in the top center (right below the name) of the Admin Console for this device?


In the meantime, I am going to send this issue to SH to see if they know of anything that might have caused this.


With kind regards,


I tried that mode and it still said it was ezio but i tried the manual add but set the mode to device report it loaded but the version is wrong and the device does not have the proper properties..






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I must be slow the device is a 2486D v .29 is that what youe need sorry not finding any other info isy reports the ver as v.00






PS tried it with my old homeseer plm program found it right away and showed all setting as they are to be....did in on a test bed and no I have only one plm running at a time just wanted to see if it saw it and I have 2 plms...so did ot mess my setup


Thank you

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Hi Robert,


Please make sure you have remote access enabled, and then send your URL/credentials/address of the KPL in question to support@universal-devices.com . We'll check it out remotely.


With kind regards,



I must be slow the device is a 2486D v .29 is that what youe need sorry not finding any other info isy reports the ver as v.00






PS tried it with my old homeseer plm program found it right away and showed all setting as they are to be....did in on a test bed and no I have only one plm running at a time just wanted to see if it saw it and I have 2 plms...so did ot mess my setup


Thank you

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Could you please clear something up for me?


It is being posted on the Smarthome forums, and the CocoonTech forums that .14 is a fix for the problem of poor group response in v35 (4.0) Switchlincs.


Is that true? Are these switches fixed by simply reprogramming them with .14?



Jim H.

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Hi Jim,


It is usually very convenient for all to declare victory and point fingers. Since 2.6.14 is EQUAL to 2.6.13 in i1 mode (only), therefore, I can only conclude the following:


1. Programming database records using extended messages does not work and it may corrupt the device ... the only solution is factory reset of the device and not to use extended messages for programming purposes (2.6.14/automatic mode, uses standard messaging for everything except motion sensors)

2. In 2.6.13, most new devices were being programmed in i2 (automatic mode), and thus the likelihood of corrupted devices

3. In our test experiments with real installations (not test lab), most (not all) of these issues were solved by adding access points


As such, and at the moment, I think the problem is that extended messages are NOT being correctly repeated by i1 devices and thus sensitivity issues. I do take the blame for using extended messages for programming purposes in the first place and I attribute it to lack of clear and definitive cooperation between SH/UDI.


All this said, however, missed scene commands/activations have nothing to do with i1/i2 modes. So, if factory reset and restore do not help (in case the device is corrupted), then one might need extra AccessPoints. And if that doesn't work, then it might be noise, and finally if all fails then it's a defective device.


So, in short, 2.6.14 may have solved the programming issues but the signal issues are completely beyond the control of ISY and 100% in the realm of device to device communications.


With kind regards,







Could you please clear something up for me?


It is being posted on the Smarthome forums, and the CocoonTech forums that .14 is a fix for the problem of poor group response in v35 (4.0) Switchlincs.


Is that true? Are these switches fixed by simply reprogramming them with .14?



Jim H.

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With extended messaging shouldn't there be a checksum or something first to make sure it gets a correct package before it commits it to the firmware memory. When I've flashed the BIOS on a PC it usually loads the whole flash file, does a checksum to make sure the file hasn't been corrupted and then flashes it to the BIOS firmware.

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With extended messaging shouldn't there be a checksum or something first to make sure it gets a correct package before it commits it to the firmware memory. When I've flashed the BIOS on a PC it usually loads the whole flash file, does a checksum to make sure the file hasn't been corrupted and then flashes it to the BIOS firmware.


There is a checksum. Every Insteon commands contains a checksum. The devices themselves generate and decipher the CRC codes.



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There is a checksum. Every Insteon commands contains a checksum. The devices themselves generate and decipher the CRC codes.




So why does the memory get corrupted due to poor signal strength due to i1 devices not repeating i2 messages? If it gets a bad message shouldn’t it just reject it and return a “program failedâ€. That would be better than corrupting the memory and start acting funny. At lease you would know which is the problem device and perhaps put an Access Point there or move it closer to the ISY so it can get programmed.

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So, in short, 2.6.14 may have solved the programming issues but the signal issues are completely beyond the control of ISY and 100% in the realm of device to device communications.


Michel, I appreciate the long response, but I don't think my question was clear.


Let me put it this way. We all are aware of a problem with .35 Switchlincs and group communications. You say you solved programming issues, but can not control device to device communication (of course). My question is - are the v.35 problems that we have been seeing caused by programming, or is the problem related to device communication?


I always assumed it was the later, and was surprised to see people writing that you have put out a fix for this specific problem.


Jim H.

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Jim, I expect Michel will respond as well; but I thought I'd venture an explanation that doesn't seem super-clear from Michel's posting:


- As I understand it, the new devices support i2 messaging and programming; old devices did not.

- 2.6.13 started using i2 programming if the device supported it - ergo, newer devices would be programmed with i2, older devices with i1 I'd guess.

- i2 programming seems to have been problematic - reasons for that aside for the moment - resulting in corrupt programming.

- Hence, any newer device programmed with 2.6.13 might be susceptible to the corruption and the more programming we did with 2.6.13 the worse the problem slowly got.


I hope I'm getting that right.


If that's right, then the fixes are: 1) try to just rebuild the devices; or 2) factory default them and rebuild them.


Again, if that's right then it indicates that all /should/ be well if we had not ventured into the i2 world with 2.6.13 WRT i1 capable devices.



Last guess is that i2 has it's place and may have some issues or may not. It may well be that i2 is simply less robust than i1 because it's focus is different (more detail and data depth and speed, less assurance of accuracy) and requires a "cleaner" environment than we have had the luxury of getting away with in an i1-only world. That's a best-case guess, of course.




I hope Michel will qualify my guesses.

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I am not going to talk on the behalf of SmartHome, but from what I see, CRC and error handling IS the problem (especially in LampLincs where duplicate records are created). i.e. in light of transmission errors, what should the device do? I cannot make any other comments beyond that mostly because it will be taken out of context in other forums.




I am so very sorry for not answering your question. From my perspective, there are sensitivity issues with some of the newer devices which can be solved by using Access Points. This said, however, if you've had signal issues and used 2.6.13, then on top of signal related issues, you would also experience programming and corruption issues. The core issue is signal/error handling and 2.6.13 just exacerbated it.


So, now, if you have factory reset your device, restored it using 2.6.4 (in automatic mode), and still have intermittent scene activation and group commands - and if they used to work properly using older devices - then the only answer - unfortunately - is the addition of more access points. If I manufactured accesspoints, I would send all a couple for free.


Does this answer your question?


With kind regards,

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