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Best way to manage programs

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I want to use the ISY to control 5 landscape pumps.


So, for the Spring & Fall, I wrote a set of programs that will exercise the pumps periodically each day.


However, for the hottest of summer or to prevent freezing, I need a completely different set of programs.


The only way I can figure out so far is to create a set of programs for a time of year, then back them up to a file.  Clear the programs out, then start over with a new set for different conditions, then backing them up to a new name.


By restoring the correct backup, I get the set of programs that are right for those conditions.


1. Is there a more elegant way to do this?


2. I assume that all I need to do is do an "all stop" to all the pumps before I restore from the backup and everything will start over fresh with the new programs. Correct?




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Placing the seasonal programs in folder is a good idea. It's not possible to disable a program folder, but it's easy to created a condition that's true or false:


Folder Conditions for 'Spring'
        $iRun_Spring is 1
   Allow the programs in this folder to run.

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Even easier is to create one state variable for all seasons, then change only the variable:


Folder Conditions for 'Spring'
        $sRun_Season is 1
   Allow the programs in this folder to run.


Folder Conditions for 'Fall'
        $sRun_Season is 2
   Allow the programs in this folder to run.



then add a program to change the variable:


        From    Sunrise on date_to_start
        To      Sunrise on date_to_end
        $sRun_Season  = 1
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
        From    Sunrise on date_to_start
        To      Sunrise on date_to_end
        $sRun_Season  = 2
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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Folder conditions, like program conditions, will not trigger on an Integer variable.


The variables must be state type variables or nothing will happen.

I just tested this to be true again.


Thanks for the reminder. I corrected my post to reflect the correction.

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