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Hi Jeff


On the one hand, its a key component and worth having a back up. In this case especially since they are so brittle and prone to failure. I bought one on sale a while back for just this reason


On the other, if you are not overly dependent on your Insteon network, it usually takes only a few days via amazon to get a new one.



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I was just about to start a similar topic, but maybe I’ll tag along here as I have similar questions and musings…


I have a 2.5 year old PLM too, which seems to work fine.  But based on what I’ve read here it sounded like I am on borrowed time, so I bought another one to replace it before it fails.  I’m wondering if I should swap the PLM right away (I think yes). 


For “fun” I checked my ISY links table.  My first few tests showed 50 to 70 to 120 links.  

My Latest test showed 437 ?! But the calculator here shows maximum of 417? http://www.universal-devices.com/tools/insteon/calc_plm_links.htm


Next test = 308, then 89, 72, then 437 again! I thought I might get a pattern, but alas, then 60…

Am I dying?


I have about 50 switches, 5 KPLs, maybe 50 (simple?) scenes and about a dozen dongles (love that word) and other devices. 


So, I’m wondering:

Should I expect to get consistent PLM link counts with a healthy PLM?

Am I exceeding the 417 links referenced in the UDI calculator page?  I thought I had plenty of headroom.


I’m perplexed.

Appreciate any thoughts or comments - thanks

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Thanks Stu. Looks like 2 very similar threads here at the same time.

What about the 417 max links referred to by UDI on their calculator? And is my max reading of 437 inaccurate?



Edit: of course no one else can attest to the accuracy of my reading. But wondering what happens if one exceeds the 417 max links. The calculator seems confusing / non-linear to me, since I can input several scenarios that exceed 417, however I would've expected headroom above those systems.

Running 4.5x on 994 pro.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The count is only an approximation. If there's any activity during the time the count is occurring, then it can easily exceed the maximum. My last count, a few hours ago, was 682. A recount just now gave 573.




The 417 maximum is for the older PLM. The current PLM can exceed 1000 links.

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