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Suggestion: controllers add -Changes To All Devices- option

Mark Sanctuary

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  • 4 weeks later...



If the scene has been called from a different controller the Fast On/Fast Off/Brighten/Dim functions from the main scene view should still work as expected.


Fast On/Off changes all devices in the scene to On (100%) or Off. Devices do not Fast On to the the scene level. And it uses the fastest ramp rate available in the device.


Brighten/Dim should instruct every device in the scene to change from it's present level, not from any specific (scene or local) level. I like this because it doesn't matter what levels the devices in the scene are at.

If you call a scene, and then change the level of a device or two in the scene, Brighten/Dim will maintain the ratio until the lights peak. This function uses a ramp rate preset in each responder, not the scene ramp rate.


It is nice being able to modify a scene for a different controller and being able to send the On and Off so you can view the changes from the comfort of your computer instead of walking to the switch and pressing it. This will use the lamp levels and ramp rates the same as the local controller.



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