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Release 2.6.15 beta is now available and may be downloaded immediately .


For fixes and enhancements, please peruse our beta forum at http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=930. You may also post your comments/questions and issues relating to 2.6.15 to this forum.


This release provides the following important features:

1. 99i Series Optional Modules (Help->Purchase Modules)

--> Webserver Module: allows you to use your ISY as a mini webserver to serve up your own files, applications, etc. You need this module for the REST interface (see developers forum)

2. i2 Support

Please make sure you go back to automatic mode (Link Management->Advanced Options->Automatic). In this mode, all database communications are in i1 mode (except for motion sensor) and all i2 applicable commands use i2. This is the best mode to use.








1. For those upgrading from release 2.6

--->Please note that releases 2.6.1 and above will use default HTTP/HTTPS ports of 80/443 respectively. As such, before upgrading Disable Internet Access

--->You will have to upgrade to release 2.6.5 ( http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1409 ) before upgrading to release 2.6.13

--->If you are upgrading from 2.6.1, please make sure you export all your programs and store them in a safe place


2. If you have used bookmarks, please update them accordingly. If you have problems finding ISY, try http://www.universal-devices.com/99i


3. As always, please take a backup of your ISY


There are no significant changes in this release except those identified as bugs and subsequently fixed.




- Userid = isy

- Password = autoupdate

-- Step 1 - Download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip and DO NOT USE A PREVIOUSLY SAVED COPY!

- Login to Admin Console

- Choose Help->Manually Upgrade My Lighting and choose the file you downloaded in the previous step


-- Step 2

- Download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- Login to Admin Console

- Choose Help->Manually Upgrade My Lighting and choose the file you downloaded in the previous step



- Userid = isy

- Password = autoupdate

- Download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- Login to Admin Console

- Choose Help->Manually Upgrade My Lighting and choose the file you downloaded in the previous step


- Important: After upgrading, please close Admin Console, close all web browser processes, clear your Java cache, and reopen Admin Console. If there are any web browser processes running, the Java cache will not be cleared.


The Compare bug (had to click twice) is confirmed fixed for me, as well as the bug that listed some "Identical" links incorrectly as "Extra Record" (GUI error) - also fixed for me.


Jim H.




We never figured out why you cannot upgrade your ISY while I can remotely. If you don't wish to find the root cause, then please send your URL + userid/pwd to tech@universal-devices.com and I'll upgrade it for you remotely. On the other hand, if you would like to figure out the root cause, then please set up a time with our tech support.




Hi, hope all is well. Is this a 99 or 26? And, did ISY reboot after it finished the upgrade?


With kind regards,




We never figured out why you cannot upgrade your ISY while I can remotely. If you don't wish to find the root cause, then please send your URL + userid/pwd to tech@universal-devices.com and I'll upgrade it for you remotely. On the other hand, if you would like to figure out the root cause, then please set up a time with our tech support.




Hi, hope all is well. Is this a 99 or 26? And, did ISY reboot after it finished the upgrade?


With kind regards,



Thanks Michel,


Must have been some kink of network quirk. From my laptop I could not upgrade the ISY with either Safari or Firefox over WiFi. From my desktop, which is connected to the network by ethernet, the upgrade went without a hitch.




I've noticed that sometimes when I come into the Admin Console it will show the Ezrain status and sometime they are blank. If I go out and turn the first zone off then it updates the status. This has been happening for quite a while. It wasn't important, but I'm curious. Is this normal?


Just upgraded one of my 2 ISY units which happens to be the ISY-26. I observed a successful upgrade and reboot, HOWEVER, in the "ABOUT" drop down, the version remains 2.6.14. I think this is a bug as the code is indeed different. (I actually verified the "...display device links... " COMPARE bug is fixed.)


I don't know if this is the same for the ISY-99i, but will do that upgrade later today and report.




Hello Dave,


This is indeed odd since, just to make sure, I reinstalled 2.6.15 on my ISY26 and it shows the correct version.


Would you be kind enough to telnet to ISY, issue VE and let me know the results? If it shows 2.6.14 then it was not upgraded correctly.


With kind regards,



Well, this is very weird...


VE does display 2.6.14, but the upgrade obviously got loaded, rebooted and came up successfully.


Is there a possiblity that the link to the new f-w is pointing to the .14 version?


Hi Dave,


It seems that the upgrade is failing. We have been able to reproduce this problem and are working on a fix now.


With kind regards,



Well, this is very weird...


VE does display 2.6.14, but the upgrade obviously got loaded, rebooted and came up successfully.


Is there a possiblity that the link to the new f-w is pointing to the .14 version?


There is currently an issue upgrading the ISY-26 to this firmware (release 2.6.15). For the ISY-26, please stay with release 2.6.14 until further notice.


Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.


I upgraded from 2.6.14 to 2.6.15 without any problems. One thing I did learn when I first upgraded my firmware is it does not like NOD32 Antivirus. So I simply disable NOD32 each time I upgrade the Firmware and it works great every time now.


So if anyone has problems upgrading to the latest firmware you might want to try disabling your antivirus first and then enable it once you finish installing the firmware.


I also noticed with 2.6.15 that the Keypad LED Brightness button is working. 8)





I uninstalled and re-installed my EZRAIN and the status does seem to show up every time I come into the admin console now.


Wow Michel,


The upgrade to .15 went smooth from my notebook with Kaspersky installed. I used https to do the install and went first try.


I'll check on the rest and soap later tonight.


We have released a new firmware version "2.6.0" to fix the issue upgrading the ISY-26 to this latest firmware release. Please follow the steps detailed in the 1st post of this thread. In short:


- download/install firmware 2.6.0 (do not use a previously saved copy)

- download/install firmware 2.6.15


Sorry for the inconvenience!


Is there a quick reference guide to understand the Device Link Tables returned in the Compare? I can see the device addresses but don't understand the meaning of all the other bytes returned.

Is there a quick reference guide to understand the Device Link Tables returned in the Compare? I can see the device addresses but don't understand the meaning of all the other bytes returned.


Yes, in the User Guide.




One minor thing I've noticed with 2.6.15. When I start the ISY interface on the list of devices, it seems to indicate that the I/O Linc Relay is on when it isn't. When I do a query on it then it changes correctly to off. It is a little disconcerting because the I/O Linc is connected to our gas fireplace.


Hello dss,


Thanks so very much for the feedback. We will get right on it. Is it the output or the input that has the wrong state? If the output, is it in any other scenes? If the input, is it controlling a scene?


With kind regards,


One minor thing I've noticed with 2.6.15. When I start the ISY interface on the list of devices, it seems to indicate that the I/O Linc Relay is on when it isn't. When I do a query on it then it changes correctly to off. It is a little disconcerting because the I/O Linc is connected to our gas fireplace.

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