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Wireless thermostat 2441ZTH


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You seriously think SH cares about quality? 


Absolutely, yes. I've even gotten free devices when a problem was confirmed and sometimes when it wasn't B)

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Absolutely, yes. I've even gotten free devices when a problem was confirmed and sometimes when it wasn't B)


To be completely accurate, that merely indicates that SmartHome cares about customer service, not that they care about quality.  The two are linked, but I would agree with the sentiment of the original poster -- it's not obvious to me that SmartHome really understands that if they addressed the quality issues, they would have fewer customer service issues.  As a case in point, I'd suggest taking at look at the long-standing issue with the PLM.  If that's not enough, consider something that takes no hardware whatsoever -- the issue where SmartHome failed to provide UDI with the API for the alarm device.  No company is perfect, but SmartHome's products are certainly below the average expectation for consumer-level devices these days in terms of longevity and reliability.

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To be completely accurate, that merely indicates that SmartHome cares about customer service, not that they care about quality. The two are linked, but I would agree with the sentiment of the original poster -- it's not obvious to me that SmartHome really understands that if they addressed the quality issues, they would have fewer customer service issues. As a case in point, I'd suggest taking at look at the long-standing issue with the PLM. If that's not enough, consider something that takes no hardware whatsoever -- the issue where SmartHome failed to provide UDI with the API for the alarm device. No company is perfect, but SmartHome's products are certainly below the average expectation for consumer-level devices these days in terms of longevity and reliability.

We can't be completely a cure that the API wasn't given to UDI. You only heard from one side. Plus that doesn't prove anything. UDI has an employee who works for Smarthome/Insteon. Come on. That has nothing to do with reliability either.


The other question is why would want a PLM in your hub when they are crap OR why wouldn't Smarthome allow UDI the PLM chip? This my friends is the bigger mystery!

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You seriously think SH cares about quality? 

SH cares a lot about quality. Some indicators are there.


They just have extremely poor management that don't  understand how to effect it.

Quality Assurance will never make good customer relations. Somebody is reading the failed 1970's management playbook,still, proven unworkable for so many years.

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