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Simple temperature sensor?


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Is there a simple temperature sensor out there that's compatible with ISY, either Insteon or ZWave? All I can find are full-blown thermostats, which seems like overkill. I ended up buying the Insteon 2441ZTH, but I have been less than happy with it. It doesn't seem to report temperature often or accurately. I have to reinsert the batteries sometimes to get it to send data. It's awful. I don't care about a display. I literally just want the value sent to ISY.


What I want:


  • A simple battery-operated, wireless device that reports temperature (humidity is optional) to the ISY so that I can use it in programs.


One in my shed outside to just let me know if it gets too hot or cold, one in my server closet to tell ISY to turn on the fan switch for 10 minutes.


Surely something like this exists?


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I use these sensors... 1 in my bathroom to keep track of humidity by turning on and off the exhaust fan and turning off the lights with motion sensor. One in bedroom to regulate heat by controlling my floor vent. I also have one outside to tell me the outside temp,humidity, UV and motion.


Aeon multisensor 6. Can get them on ebay for about $35 to $45 each. Simple enough? Cheap enough?



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