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Daylight Saving Checkbox greyed out


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Good morning community,


one of my ISYs (only one) shows a greyed out DS-Checkbox, so i can't uncheck it.


For some reason, this seems not to be set automatically, so I simply got into the habit of setting it by hand twice a year. This year, one box doesn't allow me to do it, the others were easy.


Any help would be appreciated...




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I'm sorry, Michel, I don't get it. What daylight saving rule do I wish to use other than US-Canada? Australia? Europe? I am in the US.


When you select *Daylight Savings Rule* if you scroll all the way up there is a (OFF) option. Selecting that option will present you with a pop up about are you sure you want to disable etc. The field box will be white and not grey at that point but you still won't be able to check it because DST has been turned off.

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Thanks, Teken. That worked. So there is no setting that turns it on and off automatically? I thought the US-Canada-Option is meant for that,


In past firmware the DST check box was available to enable / disable separately. In later firmware it appears this behavior has changed and is tied to the other field box's. But the reality is (IF) your region observes DST you would simply enter the city / state if listed - If not listed, you would simply enter the coordinates / custom location.


At that point the DST would simply follow what program logic dictates as to when DST should begin / end. 

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Hm, this is what I did. Entered the coordinates, but the program doesn't do anything with the DST setting, so all my programs run one hour off until I change the setting manually, I am thinking it could be the coordinates instead of a city? But the closest place on the list is 250 miles away, so sunrise/sunset would be off.

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Hm, this is what I did. Entered the coordinates, but the program doesn't do anything with the DST setting, so all my programs run one hour off until I change the setting manually, I am thinking it could be the coordinates instead of a city? But the closest place on the list is 250 miles away, so sunrise/sunset would be off.


Its interesting I just selected the *Locate Me* option and the box to enable / disable isn't available to be selected. I selected off, not supported from the drop down list but it had no impact on the *Locate Me* check box being field selectable. In the past this box was available for use so gather the team will need to review why its no longer an option.


Just to be clear if you select any major city the DST box is enabled and checked correct? The problem you have is the next city is too far away to make good use of the DST function.

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If I select the closest city, the daylight saving rule defaults back to US-Canada and the daylight saving checkbox is disabled (greyed out) but checked, which is obviously wrong this time of the year. I can select Off, but I am pretty sure it will then stay off until I change the setting back by hand.


This is apparently not working as it should. But to me, it seems to be such a basic function - how can a bug like this remain undiscovered that long? That's why I thought I was doing something wrong. Does this work for anyone here - in the sense that DST is applied automatically?

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If I select the closest city, the daylight saving rule defaults back to US-Canada and the daylight saving checkbox is disabled (greyed out) but checked, which is obviously wrong this time of the year. I can select Off, but I am pretty sure it will then stay off until I change the setting back by hand.


This is apparently not working as it should. But to me, it seems to be such a basic function - how can a bug like this remain undiscovered that long? That's why I thought I was doing something wrong. Does this work for anyone here - in the sense that DST is applied automatically?


Maybe we are on the wrong page or have a misunderstanding here so bare with me as I hash this out *Virtually* with you here. Others can chime in and confirm what I am thinking because I could be completely off base.


- DST: If your area respects and observes DST you should have this box checked.


- If DST is checked there is nothing more for the end user to do at all. Meaning the function and idea of the enabled (selected check box) is to automatically change the time forward / backwards when applicable.


- The only problem I have seen about DST is like you - Is not having the ability to select a location from the drop down list. In that case entering the geo coordinates is the next step.


What I am stating above is (IF) the DST is enabled and selected and your lat / long is correct. There is nothing more for you to do unless you do indeed see a one hour difference at this very moment with the DST box checked.




NOTE: All of the above assumes enable NTP Server to ensure the controllers clock is indeed correct and in sync. Can you confirm that the system clock vs the computer clock is accurate? Do not assume the computers clock is accurate because there are many reasons it could be off.

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If you select a location from the list that observes (or doesn't)  DST, then there is no choice. That's the correct decision, not a bug. But, there exist some municipalities not on the list that may or may not observe DST. It it's not on the list, then the ISY doesn't know which to select, so the choice is made available, another correct decision.

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Okay, if that's the case then there must another reason why my safety lights go off before sunrise. I have to check my logs. Thanks so far for your help!


Paste the program up for review and lets see. Also if you could provide more insight as to what brand, model, type of safety light you have in place maybe we can figure it out.


I am going to assume for a moment these lights don't have a built in dusk to dawn sensor? If they do this is something you would need to resolve because no program is going to over ride the hardware unless there are means to do so.

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Those are just lamps, no sensor. I can switch them on and off all day and all night. And the program is incredibly complicated...


SL Doors - [iD 000A][Parent 0001]

        From    Sunset
        To      Sunrise (next day)
        Set 'SL Hall Doorlight' On
        Set 'SL Door lamps' On
        Set 'SL Hall Doorlight' Off
        Set 'SL Door lamps' Fast Off

I have to check the logs. There must be another reason.

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Those are just lamps, no sensor. I can switch them on and off all day and all night. And the program is incredibly complicated...


SL Doors - [iD 000A][Parent 0001]



        From    Sunset

        To      Sunrise (next day)



        Set 'SL Hall Doorlight' On

        Set 'SL Door lamps' On



        Set 'SL Hall Doorlight' Off

        Set 'SL Door lamps' Fast Off



I have to check the logs. There must be another reason.


The program looks very straightforward so would suggest you confirm there are no conflicting programs in place. 

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Or somebody just hits the button to save energy... I'll look into that tomorrow.

Just for fun - I have made minor changes to the program and reversed them just to force the programs to be saved again. Is it possible that the program gets corrupted somehow?


Again - thanks for all your help!

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Or somebody just hits the button to save energy... I'll look into that tomorrow.

Just for fun - I have made minor changes to the program and reversed them just to force the programs to be saved again. Is it possible that the program gets corrupted somehow?


Again - thanks for all your help!


I believe people have seen instances were updating to Alpha / Beta firmware caused random things to happen. That includes programs losing associated linking, unable to save, etc. Normally in the Beta builds the first culprit is not having matching UI & Firmware but in your case that isn't the issue as yours does match.


Making small changes and pressing the save button is most definitely a good move. I've personally seen many times where the system fails to save a program after an edit or creation. Out of course I always press on the save button at least two times to ensure the system has done so.

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Today the lights were on all night, as intended. The logs showed the lights going off at random times, but always when the first shift in the plant had started to work. Maybe a zombie link to the light switch in the restroom??? Clueless. I'll keep an eye on it, but as long as it works, I'm happy.

Thanks again, guys!


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