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Best way to create an "all on" command


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I am a long time ISY and Insteon user. I have an Elk security panel being installed Wednesday and I've spent the weekend cleaning up my Insteon set up and ISY programming. Since moving a year ago, I have not set up an "all on" scene in this ISY. This was largely out of laziness as programming in each device and KPL button would take forever.


Is there a better (easier) way to create an "all on" scene than manually adding over 100 individual devices? I was thinking about a program, but what would the trigger be if I can't use scenes? My plan was to upload my scenes to the Elk and work from there. Any advice would be appreciated. I searched but came up empty.


Thanks in advance.

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The inherent downside of using programs vs scenes are programs relies on the controller / 2413S PLM being on line and active. Using a scene to link directly to all devices will always operate regardless of a controller / PLM being present. 


Scenes also react faster vs programs . . .


You're only going to do this once so you might as well do it right the first time . . .

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If you have a low link count, then a scene is ideal. OTOH, if your link count is high, approaching, say, 800 and you'll be creating more scenes or adding more devices, then a program will serve you better. A disadvantage is that program statements are processed sequentially, scene members respond simultaneously.


An advantage is that you don't need to include every device, only the scenes that have the devices as members.


I recently took just that route. A scene that had 60+ members needed only 21 statements. The trigger is the same two KPL buttons that I had as scene controllers.

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