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Control ERR in event stream?


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When I start the event stream using websockets in the initial dump of device state info there is one record that arrives as:


'<?xml version="1.0"?><Event seqnum="195" sid="uuid:70"><control>ERR</control><action>0</action><node>3B 92 51 1</node><eventInfo></eventInfo></Event>'


I can't find any documentation of what control=ERR might mean.  The device in question is a 6 button KPL dimmer and right after this record I see the Ramp, OnLevel, and 5 Button status events.  The device appears to be functioning fine and from the admin console I don't see anything unusual about it.  So why is this ERR event being sent and how do I diagnose what is going on?






Hi Kevin,


ERR = status of the node: whether or not it's in error. In case of Z-Wave/ISNTEON, it means whether or not ISY can communicate with the device. Err = 0 = No Error (normal condition). Err = 1 to Communication error.


The reason this is there is very much the same as other status/control things ISY does. With Control, for EVERY communication error, this Control is set to 1.


With kind regards,



OK - Thanks.  That would explain why after I did a Query from the admin console things cleared up.  So I am assuming that the ISY keeps the last state it had from the device but is saying that it's most recent attempt to communicate with that device failed.  Good to know - just couldn't find it documented any place I looked.

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