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Water level sensor?


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I have an underground tank that holds water that is collected in a french drain that surrounds my house. I am looking for some type of sensing device that is compatible with the ISY that would generate an alert when the water in the tank reaches a certain level. Suggestions would be appreciated 

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A very simple method is to use a open-close sensor and install a pair of wires to the external I/O contacts. Insert the wires to what ever depth you feel offers the best balance of over flow vs high water limit.


The only thing you need is to create a custom email affirming the very same.


I offer this method because its inherently safe and doesn't rely on a Insteon I/O linc which requires 120 VAC. It doesn't matter if the device is connected to a GFCI water and electricity simply don't mix. The other benefit is you can elevate the open-close sensor for the best RF reception / transmission.


Ensure you use high quality lithium batteries for the widest operational range and performance. 

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Only thing to consider with the bare wires. How conductive the water being detected is and how sensitive the external contact input on the open-closed sensor is.


At one time. There was an Insteon water detector kit using an I/O Linc and a Flood Stop water detector system sensor pad accessory. Connected to the Sensor Input and Ground of the I/O Linc. It was highly unreliable and quietly went away. Seems it was sensitive to how conductive the water was contacting the sensor was.

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Agreed, the mineral content of the water will impact how success full this works. The bare wire was just the cheapest method it could be done without much effort. Other options are to use dedicated water contact to float switches. A basic float switch can be had for less than $1.50 on eBay if desired.





The highest calling in life is to serve ones country faithfully - Teach others what can be. Do what is right and not what is popular.

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Hope it wasn't one of those refurbished units with a 30 day warranty?!? ☹️️





The highest calling in life is to serve ones country faithfully - Teach others what can be. Do what is right and not what is popular.

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