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Installer Software?? for use on laptop with Z-Stck - Issue returning ISY to Primary


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Hi everyone!


I have the ISY-994 Zwave and a Aeon Labs ZW090 Z Stick. I am using Zensys-tools to control the Z-stick.


I am having issues returning the ISY to primary. The "Shift" button in Zensys is grayed out sometimes, when the Z-stick is the primary. 


If I reset the ISY Zwave and then start over I can get it to work once. Then I can't go back .. getting tired of excluding all my devices and then re adding them every time I buy a new device.


What do I do when I shutdown the Z-stick, delete the device? Remove it after the ISY is primary?


Is Zensys the issue, is there something else I should be using? Free or otherwise at this point. 


This is the only issue I have had so far. 


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Hi Gen_Mayhem,


Unfortunately ISY needs the Primary (your Z-Stick) to relinquish and transfer primary back to ISY. In this process, ISY does not do much except accepting the role. As such - and especially since ISY can go back to primary after rest - I am quite certain the issue is with Z-Stick.


With kind regards,


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