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Programs Won't Stay Deleted?


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I've tried deleting some test programs, either individually or by folder, and they appear to go away.  But when I log back it to the ISY, the programs are back.  What's going on?

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Probably forgot to hit "save changes" at the bottom left 



Unlike a new program or a change to a program, when you delete, there is not one of those little arrows indicating you still need to save the change, since when you delete there is nothing there at all.


This is why the java thing is a pita.  You are basically running a program on your computer to which you make all the changes.  But none of these changes actually go to ISY until you hit the "save" which then uploads it.

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I had made a suggestion a while back that when you delete a program but have not yet saved your deletion, that the program should stay on the list with a red x or something to that affect next to it.  Something similar in concept to the green arrow next to programs that you created/changed but have not yet saved.


It probably would also be nice if the "save" button at the bottom of the screen turned bright red or something to that affect when there are pending changes that need to be saved.

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Several program including notepad indicate if changes haven't been saved when you attempt to close them. That'd be nice for the ISY B)

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Several program including notepad indicate if changes haven't been saved when you attempt to close them. That'd be nice for the ISY B)


I don't know about you, but my admin console rarely lasts long enough for me to close it while still functional.  The console hangs all the time.  This happens on all of my computers both remote and local through 3 versions of windows (xp, 7, and 10).

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I was having that for a while. I don't remember which version I was on when that started. I do know it continued through 4.5.4. For some unknown reason that stopped happening a few weeks ago, same version.

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This has been issue for me from day one 10 years ago.


The top bar gray's out.


There will be hidden windows that I can "phantomly" close by hitting tab enter.  Sometimes that brings the console back to life, but mostly it just lets me close it without doing a ctrl alt delete.


There is no way this is an issue with my OS or computer since it has happened to me on every computer and 3 different OS's.  Probably I have had it happen on a dozen different computers and it ALWAYS happens.  If I leave the console up, it will never last more than 20 minutes.

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Wow, the hangs I've experienced didn't occur for hours or even overnight. I never experienced it with XP. I did with 8.1 and 10 until recently--no hangs. When it did happen usually ctrl ale delete was required.

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Wow, the hangs I've experienced didn't occur for hours or even overnight. I never experienced it with XP. I did with 8.1 and 10 until recently--no hangs. When it did happen usually ctrl ale delete was required.

My console I had open when I left work last night was still working this am.  Very unusual.  However, I was away from my computer for a couple hours and upon return, it was dead.  That is typical.  20 minutes might be an exaggeration, but lasting more than a couple hours is rare.  It doesn't die so fast that I have to reload it during a single usage, but to have it last long enough for me to be done with it and then come back to it later, well that pretty much never happens.

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