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Replace With command failing


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I am using the 4.4.6 software for the ISY 994 and I have previously and easily replaced a light switch with another new light switch.  But this year it is not going so smoothly.  I have removed an old 4476ST switchlinc relay (dimmer) v.35 with a new 2477D dual band switchlinc dimmer v.45.  The new one is recognized by the ISY and has an address (no name yet) in the left pane on the admin console.  And I right click the switch which now has the exclamation point on it (Living Room Switch) to select "replace with..." but the new light switch is not showing up in the list of possible replacements.  I have never considered the headache of rewriting all the programs that this switch is in.  But what are the options.




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Hello David,


You can only use the replace with feature with a similar device. Relay for relay - Dimmer for dimmer.





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I had the same issue. When I replaced some 2456S3 AppliaanceLincs with the 2635-222 On/Off Module.

As Teken pointed out. They are not a same module type so the replace with will not offer it as a replacement.


Yes, when the newer dual band on-off modules came out and I found out the *Replace With* wasn't listed. That really caused a lot of hair pulling that's for sure!


I had several of the Switch Linc timers too and the dual band relays also weren't listed for *Replace With*. The only advice I can share with the OP is simply add the new hardware to the system. Then, simply drag and drop that new device into the scenes that exist.


Rinse and repeat the whole process for any programs in use . . .


Once you have confirmed the above simply delete the older hardware device from the device tree. 

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