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Insteon bridge with First Alert


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I just got a smoke bridge linked to ISY, and I don't seem to be able to link it to the First Alert. I have the model SA520, that is supposed to work with the smoke bridge.


Instruction states to press the smoke bridge button until it blinks green, and then the test button on first alert, but when I do press the button on first alert, it goes from power blinking green and then the smoke alarm blink red. I don't see the light on smoke bridge change to blink red as it's supposed to. So I'm not able to link it to First Alert.


Any idea please?






I just got a smoke bridge linked to ISY, and I don't seem to be able to link it to the First Alert. I have the model SA520, that is supposed to work with the smoke bridge.


Instruction states to press the smoke bridge button until it blinks green, and then the test button on first alert, but when I do press the button on first alert, it goes from power blinking green and then the smoke alarm blink red. I don't see the light on smoke bridge change to blink red as it's supposed to. So I'm not able to link it to First Alert.


Any idea please?


Is the First Alert model you have a "ONELINK" model?


The smoke bridge works with the SC0501CN-3ST and the SA521CN-3ST


Information Only: First Alert has repurchased the One Link logo to reflect their Home Automation and security product line. It no longer just represents the RF based linking sensor system. ☹️





The highest calling in life is to serve ones country faithfully - Teach others what can be. Do what is right and not what is popular.


It doesn't say OneLink on it.

Normally a One Link smoke / co is marked as such. I would read the users manual to confirm it's One Link RF supported.

Posted (edited)

You don't link ISY to OneLinc smoke detectors. You link it to the SmokeBridge. BTW, if you have multiple detectors, the ISY will not know which one went off.


Follow the instructions that came with your detector(s) and SmokeBridge for instructions on linking the detectors to each other, and to the SmokeBridge. It has to be done manually with button presses. It is a pain, and I think there are some wrong instructions circulating. I had to call the company I bought mine from and they had to walk me through it on the phone.


Sorry, I can't check this on my own equipment, as I left my detectors at my old apartment. I did bring the SmokeBridge, but haven't purchased OneLinc detectors. I have two old-school detectors that are connected with a traveler, but they are not OneLinc.


Linking the SmokeBridge to ISY is similar to linking most Insteon devices to ISY. The easiest way is to "start linking" in the admin console, then press the set button on the SmokeBridge until it beeps. You should see that the admin console has discovered the SmokeBridge. Complete the linking procedure.


There is nothing to do with ISY when you add detectors. Use the manual linking procedure per the instructions.


BTW, the SA520 seems obsolete, replaced by SA520B. Both are illegal in California, as they both have removable batteries. California now requires only permanent non-removable 10-year batteries, even on AC units. You are expected to recycle the detector after 10 years.


(Yes, my old detectors were "illegal" removable-battery models, and I ordered them from out of state...)

Edited by jtara92101

Actually I linked the smokebridge to the ISY.

My issue is linking the smokebridge to the onelink detector. I followed the instruction that are very simple, but it doesn't seem to work. That's why I'm reaching here to people who have done it to see if there is a different way of doing it that I'm missing.


I don't think the SA520/520B is OneLinc. I reviewed the manual, and it says nothing about OneLinc. Also, it seems missing the announcement/location capability, which is handy. (All alarms will announce the location of an alarm. You need to program the name of each location.) Again, though, the ISY will not know the location of the alarm, just that there is an alarm.


I used a hardwired SA521CN to link to a Smoke Bridge, and it works fine (at least it tests that way - no actual fires).  The rest of my smoke detectors are FireX (rebranded Kidde detectors), and are all hardwired / interconnected.  I don't get any announcement of which zone is in alarm, but I am able to use the ISY to turn on every light in the house and make additional noise if any detector is set off.

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