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Cannot determine Insteon engine

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Hi gang,


I have a bunch of new switches (some dimmers, some switches).  I'm having a lot of trouble adding the new devices.  For many, I get an error while linking about "Cannot determine Insteon engine".  Also, some of the switches can't be auto-added.  Normally I use "Start Linking".  When you press the tab on the controller, the switch will be recognized by the ISY software.  However, for some of these switches, holding down the tab doesn't lead to it being seen by the ISY.  Instead, it just shows a blinking green light on the switch.


Any ideas?




Hi to_lighter,


Those errors are INSTEON communication related (either signal or noise). What I normally recommend is:

1. If RF, make sure in programming mode

2. Move the PLM to a different outlet and one which is not shared with other power supplies and transformers


With kind regards,



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