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IOLinc Status in ISY-99


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Just added an IOLinc to my Insteon network today to turn a PC on and off remotely.


I can control the relay, but I don't think the status is showing up correctly for the sensor.


I have a 5 volt relay which closes a circuit when the relay is energized. The circuit is connected to the IOLinc Sense and Ground connections. The 5 volt relay is powered by one of the pigtails on an ATX power supply, whose supply is switched.


When the Admin Console opens up initially, the sensor state reads correctly; it is "On". However, the sensor reverts to "Off" when the sensor is queried. It doesn't change after that.


What's wrong here? I'm assuming that the IOLinc's sensor will have an "On" state if the circuit is closed. As long as the circuit is closed, the sensor should keep that state.


I'm also assuming that the input and output ports are independent, unless someone specifies that they're linked in some way.


State info is really important. It ensures that extra button presses on a Keypadlinc button won't inadvertently turn a PC on or off when it doesn't need to be.


Any help would be appreciated!


We are embarrassed that we did not see this bug before we released 2.7.0.


Michel has already found that error (and another) and a fix will be available shortly.


Meanwhile I have found that programs that rely on the sensor still function properly; the bug appears to only affect the display.


What's wrong here? I'm assuming that the IOLinc's sensor will have an "On" state if the circuit is closed. As long as the circuit is closed, the sensor should keep that state.


The state can be reversed using Trigger Off in the Set Options.


I'm also assuming that the input and output ports are independent, unless someone specifies that they're linked in some way.


Correct. There is a Relay Follows Sensor option as well, but the statuses are still independent.


State info is really important. It ensures that extra button presses on a Keypadlinc button won't inadvertently turn a PC on or off when it doesn't need to be.


Would the Momentary: Look at Sensor option be useful for that?


See this Wiki page.




Hi Sub-Routine


Not sure if this is the same bug. I have the IOLinc's sensor set up in a scene as the controller and a KPL Button as the responder. Also the same button is set up in another scene as a controller and the IOLinc's relay is the the responder. This all works fine but, when I change the sensor scene from the ISY the relay will trip. This only happens after the sensor has been on for 4 seconds or more. If I change the scene state of the sensor from the ISY to ON or OFF before the 4 seconds is up the KPL button will follow the ON or OFF and the IOLinc's relay will not trip.


The momentary A is the only option checked on the IOLinc.


Just thought I would pass this on. Not sure if it's a bug or normal for the IOLinc.


Thanks Gary

Hi Sub-Routine


Not sure if this is the same bug. I have the IOLinc's sensor set up in a scene as the controller and a KPL Button as the responder. Also the same button is set up in another scene as a controller and the IOLinc's relay is the the responder. This all works fine but, when I change the sensor scene from the ISY the relay will trip. This only happens after the sensor has been on for 4 seconds or more. If I change the scene state of the sensor from the ISY to ON or OFF before the 4 seconds is up the KPL button will follow the ON or OFF and the IOLinc's relay will not trip.


The momentary A is the only option checked on the IOLinc.


Just thought I would pass this on. Not sure if it's a bug or normal for the IOLinc.


Thanks Gary


I think it is normal for the IOLinc. The sensor is only a controller and the relay is only a responder.


Any command to control the IOLinc can only switch the relay. The 4 seconds is probably a built-in time out to prevent relay chatter. Though with Momentary A checked it should only be activated with an On OR an Off.




To follow up,


If you only want to control the KPL button create another scene with only the button (as a responder) in it. This should save some wear on your door operator ;)




Rand Hi


I had found 1 flaw in the garage door scenes and that is if the button is pushed to open the door and the door doesn't open I would not know that because the led would be lit from the button push. Granted there would need to be a real problem if the door didn't open but I though that I would set up a check program to turn the led off if this actually happened. I did think of a separate button scene but I though it should have been able to be done with the IOLinc's sensor scene.


BTW: I installed this setup on my garage door and it works perfectly.


Thanks for your help.



Rand Hi


I had found 1 flaw in the garage door scenes and that is if the button is pushed to open the door and the door doesn't open I would not know that because the led would be lit from the button push. Granted there would need to be a real problem if the door didn't open but I though that I would set up a check program to turn the led off if this actually happened. I did think of a separate button scene but I though it should have been able to be done with the IOLinc's sensor scene.


BTW: I installed this setup on my garage door and it works perfectly.


Thanks for your help.




Great! I am going to "borrow" this for a How-To in the Wiki :)




It may be that if only Momentary A is checked, and the timeout is 4 seconds, than an ON command from ISY would be ignored because the relay is already ON. After 4 seconds, an ON from ISY wouuld not be ignored because the relay would have switched to OFF.


I have also found, that even though the display for the Sensor may be incorrect, programs that check its on/off condition work properly. However, a Query to the Sensor, will always set it OFF, and not just on the display - it will affect programs that check the sensor. That is, a Query actually does seem to set the Sensor status OFF.


On another note:


It seems to me, experimenting with 4 IO Lincs, that for the Momentary A to work with Look at Sensor, the sensor must be in the same status when linked to ISY itself, any scene within ISY, and any Insteon device to which it is linked as a responder - I suppose because they are different group numbers as controllers.


Otherwise, it will respond differently to an ON command from the different controllers, as it was in different states when linked to each separate controller.


Does this make sense?



On another note:


It seems to me, experimenting with 4 IO Lincs, that for the Momentary A to work with Look at Sensor, the sensor must be in the same status when linked to ISY itself, any scene within ISY, and any Insteon device to which it is linked as a responder - I suppose because they are different group numbers as controllers.


Otherwise, it will respond differently to an ON command from the different controllers, as it was in different states when linked to each separate controller.


Does this make sense?


Yes, thank you!



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