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Unknown devices showing up

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I've had my ISY-994 for about a year,  all my switches are GE z-wave and I have several insteon motion detectors. 

The problem is that new devices start showing in my list They appear to be related to existing devices.

After several months I'll have 10-15 show up an my ISY seems to bog down and take forever to respond


For example I have "DEN" ( a OFF/ON Power Switch)  at address ZW011_1 that is correct and functioning.

I have not run any new "add/include zwave" but out of the blue there will be a  "ZW 011 Multilevel Switch" with address ZW011_119


Right now I have about 15 devices like this.  The first part of the address will match a current and correct device but the last 3 numbers will be different (_118,_119,_143,_155,_157,_184).

I am unable to delete, I get a "Request failed"

I've tried "Healing Network", Repair Links"

Nothing works to get rid of them


The more that show up the more my system response slows.


The first couple of  times I restored a backup,  but the problem returned after a month or so.

The last time I formatted the SD reinstalled and upped the firmware to INSTEON_UD994 v.4.5.4, and rebuilt the entire network from scratch.

But he problem is back and I at a loss on how to fix


FYI Z-wave version is 4.55, BL is 1.03


Searched the forums but can't seem to find a solution

Thanks in advance for any assistance.



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Yep, lotsa folks have seen that.


The plan is to have a "lock down" mode on zwave devices so that funny communications things don't cause the ISY to add new nodes -- that feature may already be implemented on the latest 5.0 alpha builds, if you're willing to go to the bleeding edge...

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