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How to remove or disable links to nonexistent device in ISY tables?


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You guessed it.  The nonexistent device is a 2413U controller that was used with HL. I have mini keypads that blink red furiously after every button push because they never get acks from that now nonexistent PLM.


I removed every device from every scene of that PLM (in the isy994i console), then removed every scene. Many links are marked deleted (22 flag) but numerous live links remain in device link tables, all of which are also in the ISY tables.  (A2, AA, E2 flags to turn scenes on or off) 


Seems like the obvious way to eliminate the ghost of the dearly departed would to simply mark every link with a 22 flag.that has its ID 


But how?


I have looked high and low for obviously needed link table management functions, but if they exist they are well hidden.

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Never mind. 

Restore device X removed the links to the nonexistent device from both the ISY and device X. 


It would be nice if the manual or the wiki noted his.

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There are so many different things that happen when someone adds devices from an older system that it's almost impossible to write something to cover everything. This is why everyone recommends a factory reset. Even the most advanced users will factory reset as they k ow it's not.ally easier,faster, and cleaner to start over than deal with all the issues that may arise.


With the complexity of automation systems such as the ISY, it would take to many resources to cover each and every detail of how to fix something. This is especially true when an issue may have multiple fixes. The forums really are the best place to go for most fixes.

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