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Water/Leak Sensor no status


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I went on travel a couple weeks, still no 'current state' for wet dry or heartbeat (all blank).  What am I doing wrong?


Took battery out, removed from ISY network and started over.

Everything needs to be tested. Even still, we all get caught while away sometimes.


Put the sensor on the counter with a puddle of water and tap the button after drying off to clear the statuses.

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A wet paper towel will suffice. Wet status should appear. Dry after wet usually requires tapping the set button after drying the contacts.


You can save paper by cutting/tearing the paper towel in half wetting the right half and using the left half to dry. No matter which side you wet, that will be right. And for drying, use the half that's left B)

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So I went on travel a couple weeks, still no 'current state' for wet dry or heartbeat (all blank).  What am I doing wrong?


Took battery out, removed from ISY network and started over.



Is your question about the heartbeat and how to monitor it? are you aware you need to create an ISY program that listens for the heartbeat and notifies when it's missing?

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So I went on travel a couple weeks, still no 'current state' for wet dry or heartbeat (all blank).  What am I doing wrong?


Took battery out, removed from ISY network and started over.

They only report changes. If you haven't forced any changes (testing) then ISY is still blind (shows blanks) by nobody telling it anything yet.

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Odd, I did have to wet the sensor and dry it to 'get it working'.  After that the heartbeat showed up within 24 hours.


I don't think you understand how it works yet.  


You're going to be back here again after the next time your ISY is rebooted. 


Also If you intend to know when the battery has died you need to make a program in your ISY that monitors that heartbeat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is your question about the heartbeat and how to monitor it? are you aware you need to create an ISY program that listens for the heartbeat and notifies when it's missing?


What should that program look like?


Thank you.

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What should that program look like?


Thank you.


Hi tommyrob, welcome to the UDI forums! The program below is for a door sensor, but the concept is the same

Battery Doorwall Heartbeat - [ID 0059][Parent 0019]

        'Zystem / Battery Alerts / Doorwall Sensor-Heartbeat' is switched On
        Wait  25 hours 
        Resource 'Pushover Doorwall Sensor Battery Low'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Since the heartbeat comes approximately every 24 hours, sometime before 25 hours it should restart the program. If it doesn't, the program completes and does whatever you want, send an email, etc



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  • 4 months later...

I don't think you understand how it works yet.  


You're going to be back here again after the next time your ISY is rebooted. 


Also If you intend to know when the battery has died you need to make a program in your ISY that monitors that heartbeat.

OK, when ISY rebooted lost all connections (just as you said).  Do I have to re-wet every time there is a reboot, or is there a better way to reconnect?  Some of these sensors I have in hard to get at places.




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OK, when ISY rebooted lost all connections (just as you said).  Do I have to re-wet every time there is a reboot, or is there a better way to reconnect?  Some of these sensors I have in hard to get at places.




Update, they reconnected on their own......not sure how long it took, but was 24 hours or less.

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May have been the Heartbeat they send at around a 24 hour interval.

That was supposed to be only a heartbeat but perhaps the latest status gets sent with it. Mine always seems to have a status shown but I always test my programs right from the sensor and then tap the button to reset the status.


In this case ISY has been rebooted, creating unknown statuses,  but  my ISY has been rebooted many times and  the status still ends up being filled in somehow.

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