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Duplicate alexa device entries

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I just upgraded from isy994i to isy994iPro.  I had my older isy994i working fine with alexa using the older V1 skill.  I have deleted my old isy and added my new one in the isy portal.  Unlinked the isy skill and relinked the newer V2.  Got everything linked, re-added my entries in the isy portal and then executed the discovery in the amazon alexa app.  Now the problem.


For every entry in the isy portal, there are two devices entries in the alexa device page.  My echo works fine, it is just annoying that for 6 isy entries I have 12 devices.


I do not have multiple spoken word entries.  I have executed the forget all and then rediscover.  Whether it is a device, a scene or a program, two devices appear.


I am attaching a document with screen shots of my portal entries and my alexa device listing.


Any thoughts here?  What am I missing?






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Alexa keeps all device/scenes/programs that were ever discovered--unless you "forget" them. So, forget all devices (scroll to the bottom of the Alexa app) and run Discover again.

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I just upgraded from isy994i to isy994iPro.  I had my older isy994i working fine with alexa using the older V1 skill.  I have deleted my old isy and added my new one in the isy portal.  Unlinked the isy skill and relinked the newer V2.  Got everything linked, re-added my entries in the isy portal and then executed the discovery in the amazon alexa app.  Now the problem.


For every entry in the isy portal, there are two devices entries in the alexa device page.  My echo works fine, it is just annoying that for 6 isy entries I have 12 devices.


I do not have multiple spoken word entries.  I have executed the forget all and then rediscover.  Whether it is a device, a scene or a program, two devices appear.


I am attaching a document with screen shots of my portal entries and my alexa device listing.


Any thoughts here?  What am I missing?




With the help of your UUID, I was able to trace the logs. The discovery does return 6 devices.


Are you sure that you did a Forget all devices?


Do you still have the issue?



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This is really really strange. 


Looking at the logs, I can see pairs of requests that are very close together, less than a second. It's for your ISY, for your account. It's a different messageId generated by Amazon. 


Is it possible that the skill V1 is still enabled?


Please disable all smart home skills, then enable "ISY Optimized for Smart Home V2"

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Still having the issue.  Here is what I have done since my last post.


1) Executed the 'Forget All" - all devices were deleted in the Alexa page

2) Removed the V2 skill (the only ISY skill showing in my list)

3) Logged out of the Alexa/Amazon page

4) Went to ISY Portal page and unlinked my Amazon account

5) Deleted all echo devices/scenes/programs in the portal

6) Logged out of portal

7) Logged back into portal

8) Relinked Amazon account in portal

9) Added an echo scene in portal (just one)

10) Logged into the Alexa page

11) Added the V2 skill 

12) Executed a discover

13) Two devices showing in Alexa device page (which works fine)


Screen shots attached. echo2.pdf


Not sure what else I can do other than maybe delete and re-add my isy994i device on the portal.  But I was not sure if you can easily delete and re-add the isy994i device.

Edited by jkmcfadden
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Thanks for the details. Re-adding the ISY will not help.


I looked again at the logs this morning, and it clearly shows that there are multiple calls to the API for each device discoveries. I also see traces of the Smart home V1 skill. This is why devices are doubled (V1 and V2 deviceIDs are different, so they are treated as different devices by Alexa).


We will need to report this to Amazon for further investigation.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I had a similar issue with duplicates but one of each duplicate pair would include a “(device)” suffix. I don’t recall if I had a duplication issue for scenes and programs. After 2 hours on the phone with Amazon today and trying many things, my duplicates have disappeared but neither Amazon nor I know what fixed the issue. We wondered if there was some residue from the “ISY” skill but we cannot confirm. In case it helps, here are some notes and observations:


-          Within the past month, I disabled the “ISY” skill and enabled the “ISY Optimized for Smart Home V2” skill. Prior to using the “V2” skill, I did not need to preface commands with “Tell izzy ..” and thus, I am perplexed as to how I was controlling my ISY devices via Alexa. I saw no indication that I was using the “V1” skill.


-          I disable both ISY skills and “forgot” all devices. As expected, Alexa could not control any devices. However, when I asked Alexa to discover devices with no ISY skills enabled, she would discover all my devices without duplication. And voice control was restored for all devices (did not try scenes or programs). After repeated attempts, I tried deleting one of my devices from the ISY Portal and this seemed to eliminate the discovery of devices without an ISY skill being enabled. It seemed like removing one of my devices from the UDI portal forced a UDI-Amazon refresh. Now, all my devices include the “(device)” suffix.


-          In your Step 4 “Went to ISY Portal page and unlinked my Amazon account”, how did you accomplish this? I do not see an option to unlink my Amazon account within the UDI/ISY portal page.


-          While going through this ordeal, the patient Amazon rep led me to the “Other accounts” area in Amazon (not the Alexa app). I selected the “Login with Amazon” link which led me to the option to remove the ISY Portal connection. Not sure if this made a difference. The Amazon rep and I did find it odd that when I re-enabled the “ISY Optimized for Smart Home V2” skill, I did not need to provide my UDI/ISY credentials and the ISY Portal connection reappeared.


-          There were several times when changes would introduce delayed responses from Alexa. It would consistently take four seconds for Alexa to respond to a command. After trying different things during the debugging process, the response time returned to 1 second.


Like I said, not sure if any of this will be useful but if you encounter any of the above symptoms, maybe I can re-introduce the issue and record the steps that fix the problem. At the moment, I don’t want to fix what ain’t broken


Good luck Jkmcfadden.

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Thanks for the detailed write-up.


I think what may have fixed your problem is what you disabled on Login With Amazon.


For others who may have the issue, here's how in more details:

  • Login to www.amazon.com
  • Go to "Your account"
  • Under Other Accounts, click on "Login with Amaxon"
  • Disable anything related to ISY Portal.


If anyone has this problem, please try this to see if it helps.


Within the past month, I disabled the “ISY” skill and enabled the “ISY Optimized for Smart Home V2” skill. Prior to using the “V2” skill, I did not need to preface commands with “Tell izzy ..” and thus, I am perplexed as to how I was controlling my ISY devices via Alexa. I saw no indication that I was using the “V1” skill.

It must be that you were using the Smart home skill "ISY Optimized for Smart Home", commonly called V1. The ISY Custom skill is something else, and it does require "Tell ISY to..."

I disable both ISY skills and “forgot” all devices. As expected, Alexa could not control any devices. However, when I asked Alexa to discover devices with no ISY skills enabled, she would discover all my devices without duplication. And voice control was restored for all devices (did not try scenes or programs).

This is the root cause of the duplication problem. Even without a skill enabled, doing a discovery still makes a discovery call to ISY Portal, in the V1 format. It's like there's a shadow skill still enabled.

I had a similar issue with duplicates but one of each duplicate pair would include a “(device)” suffix. 


Those with the (device) are the good ones, coming from the V2 skill.



Hopefully this will help others.



Edited by bmercier
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  • 1 month later...

Resurrecting an old thread here, but this seems to describe my situation pretty well.  Please bear with me, I'm an ISY veteran, but I've only just embarked on this whole Portal / Skill / Alexa adventure within the past week - all this stuff is pretty new to me...  


I am seeing similar behavior, where every scene added in the ISY portal results in two discovered devices on the alexa page, one bearing the name of the scene, and the other the name of the scene appended with "(scene)".


As others in this thread have described, the Echo - ISY integration works well and these scenes are being triggered as expected - it just seems that there are twice as many on the alexa page than there ought to be.


Unlike the originator of this thread, I am attempting a new setup of the V2 skill - there is no upgrade involved.


I too have executed "Forget All" and re-discovered - the duplicate entries reappear.  I have attempted to unlink the Amazon account, remove my ISY from the portal and rebuild from scratch. I have applied all the suggestions in this thread to the extent I understand them, but the result is the same.


Any help / further suggestions you folks could lend would be much appreciated!


-- Bill  

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In the portal app (not the Alexa app), how many spokens do you have for each device/scene? Have you added both devices and scenes to the portal app?

Thanks for replying, Stu.


I've added both scenes and devices (though no programs as of yet) to the portal app, both result in a pair of entries with the only difference being a suffix of "(scene)" vs. "(device)" on one of the two... 


I'm trying to keep the spokens to a minimum - most have just one.  I hadn't noticed before but now that you ask I see that the duplicates seem to be based not on the number of scenes/devices, but on the number of spokens i.e. a scene/device in the ISY portal with two spokens will result in 4 discovered devices on the alexa device page...

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But I'm not so sure...  It is interesting that the duplication is off the spokens rather than the devices/scenes, but the fact remains that there is still duplication.


As an example, an ISY Portal Scene in the following format:


Name:  Lighting Scene A

Spoken 1:  "these lights"

Spoken 2:  "those lights"

Spoken 3:  "them there lights"


Will appear listed in the Alexa Device page as:


"these lights"

Lighting Scene A


"those lights"

Lighting Scene A


"them there lights"

Lighting Scene A


"these lights"

Lighting Scene A (scene)


"those lights"

Lighting Scene A (scene)


"them there lights"

Lighting Scene A (scene)



So 1 scene / 3 spokens = 6 Alexa devices discovered...


I could be mistaken, but based on other folks' descriptions here I don't believe this behavior is typical / correct... 

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That is unusual. My dupes show one and only one item for each spoken. For example each of the following has 2 spokens (2 scenes each with 2 spokens = 4 Alexa devices discovered as expected)


dining room

DR Ceiling Light (scene)

dining room light

DR Ceiling Light (scene)




LR Bright (scene)

bright light

LR Bright (scene)


If you forget the extraneous listings and then re-discover, do they reappear?

Edited by stusviews
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That is unusual. My dupes show one and only one item for each spoken. For example each of the following has 2 spokens (2 scenes each with 2 spokens = 4 Alexa devices discovered as expected)


dining room

DR Ceiling Light (scene)

dining room light

DR Ceiling Light (scene)




LR Bright (scene)

bright light

LR Bright (scene)


If you forget the extraneous listings and then re-discover, do they reappear?

Thanks for verifying that this is not what you're seeing, Stu.


I did attempt to selectively forget the duplicates, but they all reappear on the next discovery.


Not sure exactly where to go from here... The bottom line is despite the dupes the integration is there and everything seems to work.  My gut feel says this issue lies with Alexa, but I may submit ticket to see if someone here can glance at the logs to verify...


Thanks again!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Add me to the list of "dupe" devices.  Had the v1 skill and did the upgrade to v2.  Alexa sees 2 of everything (not just my ISY devices, but WeMO devices on SmartThings, etc.)


Removed all isy skills, and yet Alexa still sess things twice despite multiple forget all/etc.


Any chance the Universal Devices folks can open a ticket with Amazon?  (I've never found a way to open anything myself).


If anyone needs more info, let me know.


Also tried de-linking and re-linking the Amazon Echo to no avail (Like others as well).


Things seem to work fine, other than it shows most (but not all) devices twice.  (shows all my Isy devices twice, and most "smart things" devices twice).



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Removing skills won't help. Linking and re-linking won't help. The Alexa app remembers everything. Try a "Forget All," again. Wait until the process completes. Ensure that all devices are, in fact, gone. You should also uncheck any grouped devices. Too, forget all scenes (Alexa scenes are not the same as Insteon scenes). Wait a minute or two, then use you voice to tell the app to discover devices.

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