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getting frustrated KPL, RL ISY


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Wow, what a hassle. Created a scene with RL #4 and a Pool Lite in the ISY. Worked fine. Added a KPL #4 to the scene, works fine, but then RL #4 stopped working. Tried to restore the RL #4 and does not restore, get page after page of pop up progress bars. Tried to remove the scene, again many many minutes of pop up progress bars until fails. Wow, this thing is slow, goes off into the weeeds for 5 minutes, despite that now I do not know how to remove the RL #4 or the scene, wont let me do either



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yes, I did that as per instructions, but I cannot get the RL to restore or remove from the scene. Other RL keys work fine, could the batteries in the RL be low??


I am totally stuck. Can I reset the RL and "re-add it?" not sure what to do

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Not at home now, but it should be very few as I have only been doing a few experimental scenes to prepare for conversion. Nevertheless I will try tonight and see. I have contacted SH since despite repeated attempts it appears Key #4 is a problem, no other key is an issue. They are sending a replacement



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Joe, thanks for the update. Yes, please do keep me posted.


With kind regards,



Not at home now, but it should be very few as I have only been doing a few experimental scenes to prepare for conversion. Nevertheless I will try tonight and see. I have contacted SH since despite repeated attempts it appears Key #4 is a problem, no other key is an issue. They are sending a replacement



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I am totally confused. OK so I was convinced RL #4 defective, then created I created a scene with RL#5 and KPL#5 with "Garage Lite" works fine. Then created another scene with "garage lite" and RL#3. Now the RL#5 key does not work EXACTLY like RL #4, same symptom


This is so simple but it escaped me!

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I am totally confused. OK so I was convinced RL #4 defective, then created I created a scene with RL#5 and KPL#5 with "Garage Lite" works fine. Then created another scene with "garage lite" and RL#3. Now the RL#5 key does not work EXACTLY like RL #4, same symptom


This is so simple but it escaped me!




No, it is not so simple it escaped you. There is something wrong and we need to find the cause.


If you have time to experiment...


Please update to the v2.7.1 firmware.


It would help us if you could remove the RemoteLinc from the ISY, factory reset the RL, and add it back to the ISY.


Add each button back to their scenes. Be sure to wait for all the links to complete for each button before adding the next. Test each button before adding the next.


Hopefully we will have more clues to decipher any problems.


Thank you,


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Thanks for you patience. I did this several times before and it works OK until I try to use key #4, then it all gets messed up, so I am back to thinking it is the RL. Right now I just make sure I do not use RL #4 and it seems to work OK, and I have an exchanged one coming.


I may be wrong, as it is weird that it messes up other buttons when I use #4, but thatappear to be the case


I will upgraded to software, I did not see that version in my ISY though (have on automatic update)





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Hi Mike,


Getting late, so may be not clearly undersatnding your comment.


But, more simply, if I look at the RL status on Key # 4 I cannot toggle it from "on" to "off" or visa versa unless i totally remove the RL and do a reset. Then it works OK, but then if I include RL#4 in any scenes it all starts to act up again


Tough to explain because I have made several changes and I know the key is in the details, but I again think the RL is defective, so I guess easiest is to see if the issue persists after I get the new one





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well as bizarre as it is, I have received the new RL tonight, and SAME issue. I cannot get key #4 to work in any scene! I removed the RL, reset it , created new scene and I can get the other 5 keys to work fine, but not #4. I am doing the exact same thing to make other scenes controlled by the other keys, but not #4. Any thoughts, or are these RLs just flaky?



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Hello Joe,


It's quite unlikely that both RLs would have the same exact issue. I suspect the PLM does NOT have a slave link for button 4 on your RL. Now, the main question is whether or not this link exists. As such, would you be kind enough to do the following:

1. Tools | Diagnostics | Device Links Table (make sure your RL is in programming mode) ... copy/paste what it shows

2. Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Links Table ... copy and paste the last 20 entries


With kind regards,



in fact, just removed and reset then linked the RL again, and before put any of the keys in a scene just check status on each key after pressing, they all wok except #4, same as other RL.



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Hi Joe,


Yes, please link it again. To copy/paste, click on the Save button (when the process is done), save it to a file of your choice, and then open the file, copy the contents and paste here. Or, if you wish, you can attach them to an email to support@universal-devices.com.


With kind regards,



Mike I unblinked the RL, so you want me to link it again first?


Then how do I copy and paste?

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Hi Joe,


This seems to be OK.


Now, we need to figure out if #4 is in your PLM. Perhaps it would be best if we schedule a call for tomorrow so that we can login remotely and figure out the issues?


If so, please give us a call tomorrow and we'll schedule you in.


With kind regards,


this does not look right, looks like HTML code:


Device Links Table : 0A.36.26.1 / A 36 26 1




































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Sorry Mike


Have to work tomorrow, but here is the latest:


1) After linking the RL all keys but 4 worked

2) Right clicked on key 4 and said restore device

3) Then all keys worked

4) Added key 4 to a scene, it worked but key #5 stopped

5) right clicked on 5 and selected restore

6) all keys worked

7) added all the keys to different scenes, and again another key stopped, restored (took a long time)

8) now all keys and all scenes are working...for now


Something is going on and I am just not experienced enough yet to figure it out

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