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System Busy


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I open up the admin console this morning and it says system busy and the status bar keeps finishing then starts again. Any ideas. It has been doing it for about an hour now. Pic attached.

Yup.Your ISY is busy!


This can be a normal happenning but after an hour it should have cleared.


Open up your event viewer and see what is zooming by. Then try to find a less traffic way of doing what you are doing.


You may have a program oscillating in itself. This can also be seen in the program tree with a program constantly changing colours. It typically happens when the If section contains the same element that the Then or Else section is affecting.

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I do wish that the dialog box was clearer about what it's busy doing. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's timing out waiting for something to happen, or if it's actually busy working. And there's no way to stop it, so you just have to sit and wait for it to finish whatever it's doing. It could be more transparent about what's going on, and that might help diagnose problems.

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