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Replacing Insteon 2245 Hub with ISY994i ZW


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When I go to add a New INSTEON Device I get an error 'Cannot determine Insteon Engine'

This is happening with several different devices.

The PLM status is 39.2.CD v9E / Connected.



After getting some excellent help over the phone, I now have a much better understanding what the PLM does. I am now working to find and eliminate the 'line noise' that has plagued me for years.


The background behind why I am replacing the 2245 Hub is that I very recently found that my two year old hub completely failed.

Naturally I expected to simply switch to a new replacement hub, but the Insteon folks have made no provision to switch my current setting to new hardware. NO you have to completely set up the new hub from scratch. Oh they will send you an email with the ID's.


In my house, apparently I have been living with some level on noise for years. Two years ago, when I went to install the 2245 because of the integration with Echo, I found that the process to add a device with all the setup and tests would fail to complete more times than not. I got to the point where I setup a 'jig' to first setup a device at my desk and then go and install it. I really did not want to uninstall, setup and re-install all my wired in devices.


The advice I got today has now set me on the path to a real solution.



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Hi Rick:

Welcome to the UDI Forums!


Let's start with

  • what version of Firmware does your ISY have, and also what version of the Admin Console (they should recent and match)
  • to make it "apples to apples" as much as possible with the Hub, is your PLM plugged in to the same outlet as the hub? Can you try that?


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