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Venstar: Nodelink 0.7.3 Supports Venstar's V5 FW


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If you have the Colortouch T7xxx / T8xxx series on your ISY, Venstar released a V5 of their firmware 

  • More informative, better organized drop down dashboard
  • Adds support for their wifi temp sensor, (topic of a future post)
  • Added a field that provides the stage that the thermostat is calling:
    • 0 = Off or not active
    • 1 -4 = Heating or Cooling stage that is currently being called (4 heat, 2 cool)
  • By testing, I determined It fixes the previous humidity field assignment bug 
  • API is v7

Installation for use with the ISY:

  • Its best to upgrade Nodelink and its updated Node Profile on the ISY first (=> 0.7.3) first
    • Nodelink detects the API version and treats the humidity fields correctly
    • Remember to reboot the ISY and and Nodelink  Newer version of Nodelink manage the profile updates automatically
    • Remember to hit Install ISY Nodes on each FW v5 thermostat's Nodelink Page
  • Download and Install the Venstar ColorTouch assistant on a PC
    • (The update does not show up at the thermostat)
    • Follow the menus to copy the V5 FW for your particular model to an SD card
    • Insert the SD card and restart the thermostat
    • The thermostat will load the new FW and reboot itself

Thanks once again, io_guy!

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Thanks for the update Paul!


After upating NodeLink V0.7.3 and then updating the ISY component NodeLink receiver via the document link (still hard to find), and rebooting ISY, I found NodeLink constantly reporting a node error (404) back from the ISY component of my Venstar T7900 node.


A simple "Install ISY Nodes" click inside the Venstar Node tab resolved that problem. I suppose the corrected parameter fields did not match what NodeLink expected with it's latest version upgrades. Nice for NodeLink to sense this and report it also.


I am currently attempting to update my stat now. The links point to the Colortouch Desktop app and the Colortouch Assistant. I didn't know there was two different apps so this is my next adventure to borrow whatever it takes to upgrade.



Thank you,  io_guy, for a great working product!!! NodeLink just keeps getting better.

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Hi Larry-


They have another page for the download. I replaced it in my post, use that one.  I also added steps for rebooting and pressing the Install nodes buttons. Thanks



For those that may be reading this and contemplating a thermostat.


Venstar  has cleaned this Colortouch  firmware up a lot.  I am very impressed.

Weather forecasts are much more sleek and impressive!

Can't be sure but it seems the Wi-Fi heals and connects much better...and fast! Time will tell on my far from router, behind a real solid structure, mounted on thick garbage-board between router and unit, weak signal unit.

Touch panel now supports calibration of alignment to compensate offsets (I never had any)

Smoothed out the menu displays and made more common screen less than two menus deep.

Added HVAC heating cycles with charting for each heating stage (I think Paul covered that above)

Added some connection reports, and easier to get at hardware output screens.

Corrected going from Away mode back to Home mode. Doesn't turn off schedule now.

Fan cycles have many more options. Very nice but...  I would still use ISY, or my ecobee3 has better fan cycling  due to the 60 minute cycle base too long between air movement at nights. 30 minutes On leaves dead air for 30 minutes more. I find that too long at nights.


Somebody with some UI experience got at this one, and fixed most of everything I didn't like about it the UI / GUI.

Now I am contemplating moving this unit back into my main stat position replacing the ecobee3. The white case matches my  surrounding stats better. Still not sold on the pictures behind the numbers. Too clutterred for me. I would hope some of the short and erratic cycling problems are corrected also but I will not know without doing to re-wiring.


The grass is always greener on the other side of the stat  here. Trouble is...from both sides. :)

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I should add that the selected screen selected, from a menu of about 4-5 categories of items, is remembered for  the convenient pulldown  arrow, at the top of the screen with one  touch.


If I could get it to stay put, this stat  would make an excellent colour weather forecast monitor! It even shows the last time since it was updated.  BTW: This is a local forecast for my small hamlet of about 25 houses on a small mountain with it's own micro-climate! Too bad it isn't available as a screen saver option along with the different clock styles.


By comparison, the ecobee3 has a weather forecast that is fairly "Off" and always behind by several hours in current stats. Ecobee3 does offer the parameters on it's API, unlike my Venstar, IIRC.


Again...the GUI / UI on the T7800 Colortouch is much more impressive now.

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